Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1079: Reckoning is clear

"If you can't make it through, leave. The law doesn't say that a woman can't leave twice. If you have too much debt, you don't have to worry about it. If you have too many lice, it doesn't itch. It's not the same if you leave once and leave twice."

Xu Jinfeng suddenly said something quite philosophical.

Tang Xiaonan secretly gave a thumbs up, her mother has great wisdom in life, and this is a lot of truth.

"Others will gossip." Tang Laifeng still couldn't let go.

"It's different now that some people gossip. You just treat those people as farts, and don't care what they say." Xu Jinfeng said.

Tang Laifeng looked hesitant, but he still didn't make up his mind.

Tang Xiaonan now understands her aunt's thoughts. It's not that she doesn't like Teacher Cai, or that she doesn't want to marry, she's just afraid.

I am afraid that the second marriage will fail again, so I don't have the courage to remarry, and I would rather be single for a lifetime.

Tang Laifeng added: "It's useless to say these things now, Mr. Cai's parents will definitely not agree, let's not talk about it."

Comparing her heart to heart, she would not agree to marry a divorced woman with three fuel bottles in exchange for her son, Chai Wenhao.

"Didn't Mr. Cai say that he wants to come to the house to propose a marriage? When the time comes, ask him if he has sought the consent of his parents. Laifeng, the second brother still hopes that you can bravely try a new life. You are still young and cannot be single forever."

Uncle Tang speaks softly and has a gentle expression. He has dealt with Teacher Cai several times, and his impression is very good.

There is no problem with character at all, but the ability to take care of herself is a little worse, but this is not a problem. Laifeng is a master in this field. She will definitely be able to arrange Teacher Cai's daily life in an orderly manner.

And remarrying is not to find a man to help raise the children, but more to find a partner for Laifeng. Uncle Tang hopes that his sister will have a happy family.

Tang Laifeng nodded, but his heart was very confused.

She had a good impression of Teacher Cai and thought about starting a family with him, but she was discouraged when she thought of Teacher Cai's superior conditions and how bad she was.

"Auntie earns more than Teacher Cai. Teacher Cai is only forty-eight yuan. Aunt can earn so much in a week. For four weeks a month, Auntie earns four times as much as Teacher Cai."

Tang Aijun muttered loudly, and he still calculated the account. Now he is very good at calculating, and he can calculate clearly and clearly.

He just couldn't understand why grandparents, grandparents, parents, and the others felt that aunt was not worthy of Teacher Cai. That was what he meant, even aunt herself thought so.

Zhang Manyue's eyes lit up, and she patted her thigh forcefully, "No, Laifeng earns a lot, so why can't he be worthy of it, or Aijun is smart."

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Tang Aijun cocked his tail proudly, but he was much more reserved than before.

After all, he is also someone who is going to take the Imperial College entrance examination, so he can't be complacent just because of such a little praise.

"Mom, I am not an iron job, and I am divorced and brought three children, the conditions are far worse." Tang Laifeng said.

"Grandpa Qi said that sooner or later, the iron rice bowl will turn into a muddy rice bowl. It's nothing special, and it's not good for three children to be ready-made fathers. Uncle Ye is chasing Huo Jinzhi every day and calling him his son!"

Tang Aijun was even more unconvinced. This was the first time he felt that there was something wrong with the thoughts of the adults in the family. In the past, he always felt that what the adults said must be right, and that his parents were the best in the world.

But as he grew older and read more and more books, Tang Aijun's horizons and insights were broadened.

He also finally found out that what the adults said was not necessarily right, and his parents were just very ordinary people, not so powerful at all. Just like this aunt's marriage, he didn't think that aunt was worse than Teacher Cai at all.

He felt that his aunt was worthy of that Teacher Cai, more than enough.

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