Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1080: Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf

Tang Xiaonan immediately respected her third brother. These days, Tang Aijun went to school in the town and went home less often. Before she knew it, the rash boy in the past had grown up and learned a lot.

Although Tang Aijun's view of the problem is relatively simple, it is precisely because there is no adult's concern that Tang Aijun sees it more thoroughly, and what he said is true.

Tang Laifeng's income is three or four times higher than that of Teacher Cai. There is no question of whether he is worthy or not, only whether he likes it or not.

But now there is still a problem, which is the thoughts of the three brothers and sisters of Chai Yuxiang.

Since the mention of this matter, the three brothers and sisters have not said a word. Chai Wenhao has always been nosy, taciturn, and he is still a little ignorant. Only Chai Yuxiang, Tang Xiaonan is a little worried.

Tang Aijun's words made the Tang family burst into laughter, Tang Laifeng was also happy, and his mood was a little more relaxed.

"Okay, wait for that teacher Cai to come to the door and talk about it." Tang Baishan said, ending the family meeting.

The adults were all gone, Tang Laigui and his wife went back to town, Tang Laifu and Xu Jinfeng went home to settle accounts. The spiritual entertainment of the two couples last night was to settle accounts, and they enjoyed each other.

Tang Xiaonan dragged Chai Yuxiang to play outside, and Chai Wenhao also came out with his younger brother Bajin.

"Cousin, don't you want your aunt to get married again?"

Chai Yuxiang shook her head, her tone was as heavy as an adult's, "It's good for mom to get married again, I'm just afraid that the new dad won't like us."

Even her father didn't like her, she really had no confidence that her stepfather would like her.

Living in Mopanshan for the past few years is the happiest day for Chai Yuxiang. She is afraid that this happy life will end because of her mother's remarriage, and she does not dare to adapt to the new family again.

"I want to go back to my old life. It would be great if my mother and father could remarry." Chai Wenhao interrupted suddenly, and couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

Before Tang Xiaonan could react, Chai Yuxiang scolded fiercely: "Your brain is gnawed by maggots, let's get married again, how did father and grandparents bully mother before, you are blind and can't see? Mother went back to be bullied?"

"No, Dad said that if he changed it, grandma will change it too."

Chai Wenhao tightened his neck. Although he was afraid that his sister would get angry, he wanted to defend his father.

He really wanted to go back to the past, how good the family lived together, he always felt that living here was not his home, and his grandparents didn't like him, so he still wanted to go back.

"When did Dad tell you? Did you sneak back in?"

Chai Yuxiang grasped the loophole sensitively, her tone became more fierce, and she glared at her brother fiercely.

"I...I...I miss Grandpa and Grandma, and Dad...they are not doing well now. Grandma picks up vegetables in the market to eat, Dad picks up garbage, Grandpa takes no medicine and vomits blood..."

Chai Wenhao cried as he spoke, his tone full of distress.

Last month, he sneaked home, and when he saw the desolation at home, tears fell. Grandma hugged him and cried, and even boiled the only egg in the family for him to eat, but he couldn't eat it, and kept all his pocket money. .

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He doesn't feel well at all these days, and he doesn't even dare to eat more food. He always feels that if he eats too well, he will be sorry for his grandparents and father, who are still suffering.

Chai Yuxiang didn't fight, and roared, "Why are you crying? They deserve it when they don't live well. You feel sorry for them now? When they abused my mother and me, why didn't you feel sorry for my mother? Don't you think I'm pitiful? You're an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, you go back to Chai's house

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