Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1081: settle accounts

Chai Wenhao's face turned pale. What he was most afraid of was that his sister would get angry. Before, when her sister got angry again, she never said anything to let him go.

"I don't think you and your mother are pitiful. I want to help you, but I can't help anything. Yuxiang, my father is a lot older, and his hair is gray..."

"When my mother was pregnant with eight pounds, she was seriously ill, and she might not be able to save her life. Grandma still asked her to work, and her father didn't say anything."

Chai Yuxiang's expression was indifferent, and she didn't feel the tragic situation of her biological father.

Self-inflicted sins can't live, if her father treats her mother and her a little bit better, it will not be the way it is now.

Xiao Bajin, who was playing around with Yuanbao, heard his name, turned his head to look at his brothers and sisters, his chubby face was very cute, Tang Xiaonan pinched his face lightly, and said softly, "No. you."

Bajin turned around and continued to play around with Yuanbao. He didn't know the Chai family, and he didn't have any feelings for his father. Now he only eats and plays.

Tang Xiaonan was also very disappointed with Chai Wenhao. He thought that this cousin was a little useless, but he was actually selfish and indifferent.

The Chai family is living miserably now, but Tang Laifeng's mother and daughter didn't have a good time before. Chai Wenhao didn't win anything for his mother and sister. Now the Chai family is not doing well. He would cry and cry when he said a few words of betrayal. I want Tang Laifeng to go back to help the poor.

Oh... what a dutiful son.

But it belongs to the Chai family.

Tang Xiaonan actually agrees with Chai Yuxiang's words, since Chai Wenhao is so reluctant to part with the Chai family, then send him back to live a hard life, but Tang Laifeng must be reluctant.

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Chai Wenhao has no future and is also Tang Laifeng's biological son, so she can't give up.

Chai Yuxiang gouged out her brother's eyes fiercely, took Bajin home, and warned: "If you dare to talk nonsense in front of your mother, I will beat you to death!"

Chai Wenhao shivered and shook his head again and again, but his heart was very distressed.

What should he do if he failed to fulfill the entrustment of his father and grandma?

Tang Xiaonan went back with Chai Yuxiang. Looking at Chai Wenhao's bitter and dull face, she suddenly became annoyed. This cousin not only looks like the scumbag Chai Boliang, but also has a similar personality.

She was really worried that her aunt had worked so hard to raise Chai Wenhao, but she ended up making wedding dresses for the Chai family. The money was nothing, and she was afraid that her aunt would get angry in the future.

"I'm so **** off, how can there be such a stupid person? I'm going to tell my mother to let her send this stupid thing back to Chai's house."

"Cousin, don't let grandpa and mama know." Tang Xiaonan persuaded.

Tang Baishan and Zhang Manyue didn't like their cousins ​​in the first place. If they knew that Chai Wenhao was still thinking about the Chai family, they would definitely send this white-eyed wolf away without hesitation. It would be difficult for Tang Laifeng to be caught in the middle.

Chai Yuxiang also calmed down, nodded, separated from Tang Xiaonan, and went to find Tang Laifeng.

Tang Xiaonan stood there for a while and returned to her home. As soon as she entered the yard, she heard the laughter of her parents.

"Do the calculation again, will it be wrong?" Xu Jinfeng's voice.

"It's counted six times. That's right, that's the number. After the new year, I'll go to Songcheng to buy a house, and buy a big one." Tang Laifu's voice was full of energy, and he also carried the pride of the head of the family.

"I can't believe it anymore...how many pigs have to be killed!"

Xu Jinfeng looked at the banknotes on the table dreamily, as well as the account books and passbooks, feeling like he was dreaming.

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