Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1108: brainwashing daughter

Early the next morning, aunts and sisters Xu Jinfeng went to the market. Last night, the goods were delivered too late, and many of them didn't have time to hang up. They went there early to hang them up. The aunts and sisters each bought a rice ball and ate it while walking. .

Tang Laifu was at home with his daughter, Tang Xiaonan was still sleeping, and when she woke up, the sun was shining on her buttocks.

"Xiao Nan is awake, what do you want to eat in the morning? Dumplings or Xiao Long Bao?" Tang Laifu lowered his voice.

Tang Xiaonan, who was still awake, did not wake up completely after a while. She looked around and didn't see Xu Jinfeng and the others, so she asked, "Where's mom?"

"Go to the market, what do you want to eat, little girl?"

Tang Laifu asked perseveringly, still a little sour in his heart. Whether at home or outside, the first thing his daughter asked was Mom. He had never asked "Where's my dad?". Although he didn't want to admit it, he was still jealous of his wife.

"Eating xiao long bao, did Dad eat it?"

Tang Xiaonan put on clothes diligently, tied her head casually, and went to have breakfast with Tang Laifu after washing up. There were many breakfast stalls near the market. After the market was opened, many stalls flooded out.

After finding a clean stall, the father and daughter sat down and ordered two bowls of salty soy milk and three cages of xiao long bao. Tang Xiaonan specially told the proprietress not to put chopped green onion in the soy milk. She hated the soy milk with chopped green onion. Son.

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Salty soy milk may be a unique delicacy in Z province and Songcheng. People in other places eat sweet soy milk, but people in Z province like to eat salty soy milk. This is different from the bean curd rice in Sichuan province. Completely different snack.

Tofu rice is soft tofu, salty soy milk is soy milk, but instead of sugar, it is added with soy sauce and vinegar, and the more particular ones are diced mustard or dried shrimp, and some chopped green onion.

Especially on a cold morning, drinking a bowl of warm salty soy milk and a basket of delicious xiao long bao makes the whole body feel comfortable.

Tang Xiaonan also likes to eat salty soy milk over Xiaolongbao in the morning and never tire of it.

In her previous life, when she was in college, many of her classmates were out of town. The first time she ate salty soy milk, she felt incredible, just like the northerners couldn't understand that southerners like to eat bacon dumplings.

Zongzi in the north are all sweet, and soy milk is also sweet. Zongzi in the south are sweet and salty, and soy milk is the same. There are both sweet and salty, and there is a wide range of choices.

The proprietress added a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of vinegar, a little shrimp skin and diced mustard to the bowl, soy sauce to taste, vinegar can solidify the soy milk, then scooped a spoonful of the hot soy milk, poured it into the bowl, it solidified immediately and became delicious Delicious salty soy milk.

Tang Laifu asked for another basket of steamed dumplings. He has a big appetite, even if he eats three baskets, there is no problem, and these stalls do not need food stamps. In 1982, some tickets have been gradually cancelled, and tickets are still required in some places, but this kind of self-employed stalls No need, just cash.

"Xiao Nan eat more."

Tang Laifu blew a dumpling and fed it to his daughter. Even if the girl was eighteen years old, he wanted to spoil her, and he was even more reluctant to marry her.

"Little girl, Dad told you, don't listen to your mother, let's stay at home, Dad gives you pocket money, you can eat and have fun, and we don't get involved in things like being a daughter-in-law, understand? "

Tang Laifu worked diligently to do ideological work for his daughter. He wanted to brainwash his daughter before his wife. The government advocates late marriage and late childbearing.

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