Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1109: quality problem

Tang Xiaonan blinked, why did her father get excited, why did he suddenly talk about such a serious topic?

"Dad, what is a daughter-in-law?"

Tang Xiaonan pretended to be naive, but her heart blossomed with joy. In her previous life, she dreamed of having a landlord father, who did nothing every day, ate and slept, slept and ate, and asked her father for it when she had no money. That's life!

This life can be regarded as realized.

Tang Laifu was stunned for a moment, and said casually: "It's not good anyway, let's not do it, you are a father and daughter, stay at home."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, and I won't be separated from my parents." Tang Xiaonan nodded obediently, she wished she had to get married.

I thought I had to find a way to convince my parents, but I didn't expect Tang Laifu to be so open-minded and save her a lot of trouble.

"Xiao Nan is good, eat a dumpling."

Tang Laifu was very satisfied. He fed only one dumpling and ate three of them himself. No one can take away his daughter now. Humph, that kid Huo Jinzhi still wants to be his son-in-law, and he doesn't even look at his age. Yes, daydreaming.

The father and daughter eliminated three baskets of xiao long bao, one basket of steamed dumplings, two bowls of soy milk, and then went to the market. There were no customers in the morning.

"Mum mu, auntie, eat xiaolongbao."

Tang Xiaonan packed two baskets of steamed buns. Her mother and aunt are both impatient and will definitely not eat breakfast well. To earn money, she has to take care of her body.

Xu Jinfeng was hungry early, and a rice ball was not full at all, and so did Tang Laifeng. Sister-in-law ate the buns in a hurry, put on another dress, and was ready for business.

"I'm going back."

Tang Laifu got up and left, but he couldn't help if he stayed. He didn't even know how to do business.

Tang Xiaonan had nothing to do. She checked the clothes delivered last night. These were made in a hurry. She was worried that the quality was not good enough. Fortunately, the stitches were still fine, but she found a lot of thread, and the ironing was not particularly good.

Although the problem is not big, it is just like this at the beginning, and it will definitely get worse and worse in the future, and eventually it will only smash the sign.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, went to Tang Laijin's place, and also found a problem. It seems that last night's batch of goods failed the quality inspection because the time was too rushed.

Moreover, there are no quality inspectors in the garment factory now, all rely on everyone's self-consciousness, so sooner or later problems will arise.

"Uncle, this dress doesn't look good."

Tang Xiaonan took a skirt that had a lot of thread and was not well ironed and put it in front of Tang Laijin.

Tang Laijin took a closer look and frowned, why is it so rough, customers must be picky, and the price can't be sold.

He checked the others, and there were some flaws, but fortunately they were all small flaws. If the customer is not picky, there should be no problem.

But if you meet customers who like to be picky, these clothes will be difficult to sell.

Tang Laijin went out to make a phone call. He had to tell the fourth uncle that the quality must be controlled. He is not the only one who sells clothes in the market, but his business is the best. One is style and the other is quality. A signboard that was finally erected.

I got through to the garment factory, and it was Tang Zhiguo, who was Tang Pengzheng's second son. He returned from the army two years ago and is now in charge of the management of the garment factory, and will be the village head of Mopanshan Village in the future.

"Zhiguo, the quality of the goods last night was not good. A lot of threads were not cut, ironing was not good, and cleaning was not clean. Some of the items were stained. If you do this, you will smash the signboard."

Tang Laijin was not polite at all. He didn't want the business network he worked so hard to get through, because the quality problem was ruined.

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