Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1110: have foreign customers

"I know. I'm going to watch it myself now. Don't worry, there will be no quality problems. I'd rather make less and ensure the quality. Do you want to get those clothes with questionable quality back and do them again?"

Tang Zhiguo's tone was serious. Yesterday he went to the county seat for a meeting. It was the workshop that his father and Huang Jinqiao were in charge of. When there was a problem with the goods, he had to hold a meeting to emphasize the quality problem.

"It's too troublesome to get it back. I'll sell it cheaper and earn a cost price."

"Okay, I'm going to assign a quality inspector to the workshop to inspect the quality. If something goes wrong, the inspector's salary will be deducted," Tang Zhiguo said.

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"This is quite good. We must pay attention to the quality. We can't smash the signboard. We must pay close attention to the quality and improve the efficiency. We need to hire more foreign lathes."

"We have recruited more than ten more in the past few days, and there will be more in the future. We will definitely guarantee the shipment."

The brothers discussed again, and their opinions were unified. They both hoped that the garment factory would develop steadily and not be shortsighted. Moreover, Tang Zhiguo also planned to expand the factory and hire young and promising people to manage the factory.

Although his father is very responsible, many of his ideas are out of date, and they are very old-fashioned, which is not conducive to the development of the factory.

There is also the Golden Bridge, which is particularly face-saving. If the clan members make mistakes, he will treat others more leniently. If the employees of other villages make mistakes, the Golden Bridge will severely reprimand them. Many employees in the factory have already expressed their opinions.

The number of customers in the market has gradually increased, almost the same as yesterday, and there are also a few foreigners with blue eyes and blond hair. Many people turn their heads from time to time like they are looking at a diorama.

Tang Xiaonan also saw those foreigners. They were all young, and they were probably college students who came to China for tourism. There were four in total, two men and two women. They were dressed in cool clothes. It was still quite cold in Wucheng at the end of March, and some people were still wearing padded jackets.

But these four foreigners were only wearing a thin coat, the zipper was not pulled, and one even only wore short sleeves and shorts, Tang Xiaonan looked cold for him.

"Sister-in-law, isn't that foreigner afraid of the cold? Wearing so little, it really resists freezing." Tang Laifeng said with a smile.

"I heard people say that foreigners eat raw meat and drink raw blood. They are very resistant to freezing. Seeing how tall they are, they must not be cold." Xu Jinfeng looked around curiously. It was the first time she saw a foreigner.

Tang Xiaonan didn't stop her mother's 'rude' behavior, not only her mother, but the people in the market were basically like watching a diorama. The four foreigners were probably used to it, very calm and not impatient.

They looked like they were going to buy clothes, but they were not satisfied with several of them, and they didn't understand the language. The four foreigners couldn't speak Chinese, and the stall owners couldn't speak English.

The four foreigners were very disappointed. They came from Hong Kong. Many people in Hong Kong can speak English, so they had a good time. But when they got to the inland, they were like deaf and dumb people, unable to move even an inch, and could not even buy clothes. .

And they didn't expect it to be so cold here. Xiangjiang is very warm, but here it is like winter. It freezes into a dog after getting off the train.

They have just graduated from college and are preparing to start their own businesses. They want to engage in cross-border trade. They can make money by getting cheap small commodities from China and selling them in China. However, the labor cost in Xiangjiang is too high, so they came to Wucheng. It’s a pity language barrier.

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