Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1117: 3 orders successfully completed

"My mother-in-law had a fever yesterday, and it's not very good this morning. I'll go back and have a look, Lao Mo, you go to jail, I'll come right away." Zhou Xinqun casually said nonsense.

Mo Hanmin said loudly, "It's okay if you come later. If my mother doesn't have a fever, she'll take her to the hospital."

The couple cooperated seamlessly and successfully stunned a group of people.

"You can't be careless if you have a fever when you are old. Take it to the hospital quickly." Someone said with concern.

"I know, I'll go back right now."

Zhou Xinqun left in a hurry, and the others dispersed, gathering in twos and threes to chat, talking about a few foreigners.

"Foreigners are also very stingy. The bid must be very low, otherwise Zhou Xinqun would not be like that."

"It doesn't mean that all foreigners are very rich. They eat milk and bread every day, live in bungalows, and drive foreign cars. The money can't be spent."

"And they said there were banknotes on the ground to pick up."

"Maybe these four foreigners are poor, and they don't look like rich people."

After a few people determined that Johnny and the others were paupers, they were no longer interested, and chatted about Tang Xiaonan again.

"That pretty girl is really amazing. She speaks foreign language like a gibberish. She doesn't understand a word, and she doesn't know where she learned it."

"I heard from her mother that it was taught by an old professor in the village. The professor came back from overseas and can speak foreign languages, but this girl is also smart, like a parrot's tongue. I will definitely not learn it."

"She's pretty, and she's only ten years old. It would be great if she could marry her and be a daughter-in-law. I'll talk to her mother someday."

Not only Zhou Xinqun was moved, but several other stall owners also had Tang Xiaonan's idea and wanted to turn in the door and become a daughter-in-law.

At this time, Tang Xiaonan accompanied Johnny and they were still visiting the market. They wanted to see zippers and buttons. These small commodities are very expensive in their own country, and they can make money by getting them.

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I found a few booths for them, and soon settled on two, one is a button factory in Sioux City, and the other is local in Wucheng. The quality is very good, and the style is OK, but Johnny and the others also brought samples. , requires the manufacturer to make according to the sample.

The procedure is the same as before. Tang Xiaonan increased the price according to the price quoted by the stall owner, and then reported it to Johnny and the others. She does not earn money from her compatriots.

The stall owner of the button factory is a middle-aged man, surnamed Wang, who is the sales manager of the factory.

"How can I contact these four foreign comrades, Comrade Xiaonan?" Manager Wang was very polite and did not dare to treat Tang Xiaonan as a child at all.

"My family has a stall in the market, and I'm there every day, so please give me your phone number, and I'll call you if something happens," Tang Xiaonan said.


Manager Wang tore a piece of paper, wrote down the contact information, and handed it to Tang Xiaonan, "This is the phone number of our factory. I basically have a booth here. Comrade Xiaonan will come to me if you have any business."

"Okay, the quality of your buttons must be guaranteed, don't lose the face of our country, these are sold to foreign countries." Tang Xiaonan urged.

Manager Wang nodded again and again, "Although Comrade Xiaonan can rest assured that the quality is absolutely guaranteed, you can't let foreigners say that our products from Dahuaxia are not good. I will go back to Suzhou City and try to make samples as soon as possible."

The other zipper factory was also very excited, and promised to make samples with high quality and quantity, and strive to win this international order.

After contacting the business, Johnny and the others were relieved and grateful to Tang Xiaonan, "Thank you, Xiaonan, for helping us a lot."

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