Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1118: 2 gifted kids

"You're welcome, where do you live? I'll let you know when I have something to do." Tang Xiaonan asked.

"We just got off the train and haven't found a place to live yet. We'll look for it later," Johnny said, rubbing his stomach.

After walking around this large circle, it was time for dinner. Johnny and the others wanted to ask Tang Xiaonan to take them to dinner. They didn't speak a word of Chinese, and they were blind when they went out.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask my mother."

Tang Xiaonan ran back to her stall, Xu Jinfeng was about to come out to find someone, and she was relieved to see her, "Why have you been here for so long, hurry up and eat."

"Mom, the foreigners want me to take them to dinner. They asked me to be an interpreter. I want to go."

"No, those foreigners don't seem to be good people, stay here honestly."

Xu Jinfeng categorically refused, in case her daughter was abducted to a foreign country, she would not be able to cry.

No matter how coquettish Tang Xiaonan acts, Xu Jinfeng will never let go.

Huo Jinzhi came over. He wanted to see if Tang Xiaonan had come back. He was relieved to see this girl, but it was obvious that the girl was not happy.

"what happened?"

Huo Jinzhi also heard about Johnny and the others. Seeing Tang Xiaonan pouting, he pulled off her braid.

"I want to be a translator, but Mu's mother doesn't agree."

Tang Xiaonan angrily slapped someone's paw off, feeling annoyed, don't provoke her.

"I would like to persuade this girl well, those foreigners are not good people. I just wanted to kiss Xiao Nan's face. I think it's a hooligan. If you go outside, it will be good? If you go abroad and sell it, you won't cry to death. Use it." Xu Jinfeng reprimanded.

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Huo Jinzhi frowned slightly, but he still talked, he really wasn't a good person.

"That's people's etiquette, it's like shaking hands with us." Tang Xiaonan shouted.

"That doesn't work either, just stay here with me honestly." Xu Jinfeng was ruthless, but he didn't agree.

It's useless for Tang Xiaonan to act coquettishly and act like a rogue, she can only look at Huo Jinzhi eagerly.

"Auntie, let me accompany Xiao Nan."

Huo Jinzhi couldn't resist the girl's small eyes, and he also wanted to meet four foreigners and inquire about the international situation.

"That's it, you look at this girl, and your heart has been wild recently." Xu Jinfeng immediately let go, and was very relieved to Huo Jinzhi.

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth, her mother treated her differently, she was obviously her own, hum!

The four of Johnny were waiting at the door, and when they saw Tang Xiaonan come out, they were relieved. Without this little girl, they really don't know where to find food.

There is also a hotel, they have to ask this girl for help, otherwise they will sleep on the street at night.

"This is my friend, his name is Chris." Tang Xiaonan introduced Huo Jinzhi.

Chris is Huo Jinzhi's English name, which Mr. Qi took for him.

Huo Jinzhi greeted him in fluent English, but it was a little blunt, because he didn't have the opportunity to practice, and his grammar was a bit deliberate, unlike Tang Xiaonan's casual life.

But such a level is already very powerful. Johnny and the four exchanged surprised glances. I really didn't expect to meet two geniuses today, both of which are so excellent.

A few people said hello and went out to eat. Because Johnny and the others wanted to taste local food, Huo Jinzhi took them to a famous restaurant in Wucheng. The price was a little expensive, but for Johnny and the others, it was very cheap. price.

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