Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1119: so much money

Huo Jinzhi ordered some special dishes, such as braised pork, steamed pork with dried vegetables, Xi Shi tofu, etc. Tang Xiaonan also ordered sweet and sour pork loin and sweet and sour fish. She traveled abroad in her previous life and found the most popular Chinese food in foreign countries. It is sweet and sour tenderloin, foreigners have no resistance to sweet and sour food.

The food was served very fast, much faster than usual, probably because of Johnny's sake.

"Wow, this meat is so delicious, what is it called?" Jane ate the sweet and sour pork loin and was full of praise.

The other three also tasted it, and they were all satisfied.

"Sweet and sour tenderloin, made from the tenderest piece of meat on the pig's back."

Tang Xiaonan briefly introduced the practice of sweet and sour pork loin. Huo Jinzhi was impressed by her fluent English. No wonder Grandpa Qi said that Tang Xiaopang was a language genius. He had studied for a long time, but he could not speak so smoothly.

Tang Xiaopang speaks English as if he had lived in a foreign country. It is very casual and natural. Some sentences do not use grammar. They are very lifelike. Huo Jinzhi can't do it. He has to think about every sentence he says Is there anything wrong with the grammar, and the conversion also takes time, so the speed of speech is slow.

"This black meat is also delicious, with a unique aroma, and this braised pork, the taste is so beautiful, I didn't expect pork to be so delicious."

The four Johnnys are very adaptable to Chinese food, and they can eat almost every dish with relish. Later, Tang Xiaonan learned that these four are regular customers of Chinese restaurants in China, and they have Huaxia friends at school, and they have always had a relationship with Huaxia. With a strong interest, this is why I choose to start a business in Huaxia after graduation.

After a sumptuous lunch, Johnny and the others were full, and went to look for a hotel. They found a relatively high-end hotel near the market called Dongfang Hotel. Tang Xiaonan helped them book two rooms, 405 and 407.

"I'll call you when I have something to do, don't change rooms." Tang Xiaonan urged.

"Okay, thank you Xiaonan, you are our lucky star."

When Johnny was happy, he couldn't help but hug Tang Xiaonan, and wanted to give a warm kiss. In the next second, Tang Xiaonan left his embrace and Huo Jinzhi took him away.

"I'm sorry, this is very impolite here. Between men and women, we must keep a distance from the age of seven." Huo Jinzhi said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

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Johnny quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I forgot again."

He has heard from Chinese friends in China that Chinese people are very conservative, especially girls, and they can't hold hands with boys before marriage. They used to think it was too exaggerated, but now they realize that it is not exaggerated at all, and it is indeed very conservative.

When they left, Johnny and the others gave Tang Xiaonan three hundred yuan. They paid according to the domestic translation standards. Of course, it was definitely lower than that in China. Who made them poor students?

But Tang Xiaonan was very satisfied, three hundred yuan was worth her father's work points in previous years.

"Xiao Nan, can I invite you to play with us again tomorrow?" Johnny asked.

He wanted to go shopping in Hangzhou. He heard from a Chinese friend that there is Hangzhou here, a place as beautiful as heaven. There is heaven in the sky and Suzhou and Hangzhou in the bottom. There is also a West Lake. There is a very poignant love story.

"Okay, I'll come to the hotel tomorrow to find you."

Tang Xiaonan was extremely happy, earning 300 yuan a day, but a fool would not come.

After playing with these four foreigners for a few days, she could buy a house in Yuecheng.

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