Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1121: to hangcheng

Tang Xiaonan's bowels are about to regret, why doesn't she keep her heart in mind, isn't the painful lesson from the first pot of gold enough for her to learn from a loss and gain wisdom?

"Mom, the money is mine."

Tang Xiaonan fought bravely, why should she confiscate the money she worked so hard to earn!

Xu Jinfeng had already counted the banknotes, with a beaming expression on his face, he gave the remaining few dollars to Tang Xiaonan, "I'll spend this for you, and Mom will keep it for you."

Tang Xiaonan looked angrily at the four dollars in her hand. A minute ago, she was a little rich woman with three hundred dollars, but now she has become a pauper with only four dollars.

Are there no human rights at a young age?

"No, I'll keep it myself." Tang Xiaonan still wanted to fight for it, but her mother kept it and it was gone.

Her mother always said that the annual lucky money, but when did she return it to her?

"You keep it and throw it away. What does a child need so much money for? Four yuan is enough for you to eat a bunch of stinky tofu, darling." Xu Jinfeng coaxed in a good voice, considering the huge sum of three hundred yuan, now Xu Jinfeng is quite gentle.

But if Tang Xiaonan makes trouble again, Xu Jinfeng will definitely turn into a tigress, and spanking is certain.

Tang Xiaonan shrank his neck and gave in, "Then give me another ten dollars."

"What do you need so much money for? Your grandma can't use ten yuan a month."

Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth, her grandmother couldn't spend ten yuan for two months.

"Mum, I will be a translator for foreigners tomorrow, and they will also give me money. If you don't give me ten yuan, I won't...three hundred yuan tomorrow." Tang Xiaonan threatened.

Xu Jinfeng's face changed greatly, and she patted her ass, "You're stupid, don't take it if you have money, give it to you, give it ten yuan to your ancestor, don't waste it."

"Mom, don't waste the money I earn, save it for me. I will buy a house in the future." Tang Xiaonan urged.

She also wanted to go to the imperial capital to buy a courtyard house. Now a courtyard house is only a few thousand yuan a block, and in 30 years, it will be hundreds of millions, and even money can't buy it.

"Understood, Mom doesn't spend a penny, and saves it for you alone."

Xu Jinfeng has already started to set up an account for her daughter, depositing 100 yuan in it every year, which is used as a dowry for her daughter, and the money earned by the little girl is also deposited. When her daughter gets married, there must be something in this account. less money.

By the way, the novel app I'm using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] supports both Android and Apple phones!

Tang Laifeng was busy with his business, came over to eat fried skewers, and praised: "No wonder the sixth uncle said that he can make a lot of money by speaking foreign language, and Xiao Nan easily earned 300 yuan, sister-in-law, our saliva is dry, now It's only three hundred dollars."

"My saliva is also dry." Tang Xiaonan coquettishly.

Xu Jinfeng quickly took the kettle and fed her water. Seeing her daughter's handsome appearance and being so capable, she felt relieved, it was more comfortable than eating ginseng fruit.

The next day, Tang Xiaonan went to the hotel to find Johnny and the others, and Huo Jinzhi followed. He was still worried, and he also wanted to chat more with these foreigners. During dinner yesterday, he inquired about a lot of current affairs abroad. , benefit greatly.

With Huo Jinzhi following, Xu Jinfeng put a hundred hearts and kept the stall at the market with peace of mind.

"You don't need to take care of the booth?" Tang Xiaonan looked at him suspiciously, why is he so leisurely, isn't business bad?

"There is Li Qingsong."

Huo Jinzhi's tone was indifferent, he has gradually let go, and he will go to school in a while, so he has been cultivating management talents these years, and he does not have to do everything by himself.

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