Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1122: ready to sign the contract

"Is your business doing well?" Tang Xiaonan asked with concern.

Huo Jinzhi smiled, "Not bad, let's go."

The business is quite good, and Chen Qian's booth can't compete with him at all. Not surprisingly, he will become the largest supplier in the southeast, and then slowly expand outwards.

Johnny they were already waiting and said their destination.

"Go to Hangcheng? I might not be able to come back that day." Huo Jinzhi frowned. He didn't expect to go that far.

"Is it inconvenient?" Johnny asked.

Huo Jinzhi shook his head, "It's nothing, let's go to the car."

There is a direct bus from Wucheng to Hangzhou, and it takes more than two hours. Tang Xiaonan is actually willing to go. After she came here, she hadn't gone to the West Lake to play, and she really wanted to see what the West Lake is like now.

After wandering around on the bus for more than two hours, Tang Xiaonan felt dizzy. Now, what makes her complain the most is the traffic. The road conditions are not good, the speed is still slow, and there are no high-speed trains. Sleeping for three or four days is perfectly normal.

When she arrived at the West Lake, Tang Xiaonan was a little disappointed. The current West Lake is of course beautiful, but the surrounding area is very simple. In her previous life, she often went to the West Lake to play. The surrounding commercial facilities are very mature. An outside building.

But Johnny and the others were very satisfied. They were full of praise for the beautiful scenery. They also packed a boat, practiced a circle around the West Lake, and went in to see the Three Pools Yinyue inside. The boatman was a very talkative middle-aged man with a very familiar accent. Q is actually a fellow from Yuecheng, and the people who punted on the West Lake basically came from Yuecheng.

The boatman introduced the beauty of the West Lake, and also told the love story of Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian. Tang Xiaonan helped translate.

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"A snake and a person's love? Have children? Did they give birth to eggs or people?" Johnny asked very clearly.

Tang Xiaonan was stunned, how can this goblin explain China's fairy to foreigners?

She thought about it and said, "This white lady is actually a goblin. Just like the wolf clan in your country, she can become a human, and the children born are naturally human."

"Understood, Bai Niangzi is a snake clan, she fell in love with a human, and was suppressed by a monk under that tower, is she still alive now?"

Johnny was particularly interested in whether there was a Lady White under the Leifeng Pagoda, as did the other three.

"Already ascended."

Tang Xiaonan made up a random one, this white lady is just a legend, there is no real person.

After three days of playing in Hangcheng, Johnny and the others had a great time. They ate delicious food and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. They were so happy.

Tang Xiaonan is also very happy, she can earn 900 yuan.

Huo Jinzhi was even more satisfied. In the past three days, he inquired about a lot of international current affairs and gained a lot. After returning, he discussed with Grandpa Qi.

In the evening, Xu Jinfeng called and asked them to go back quickly. Zhou Xinqun and the others had prepared samples, and asked Johnny and the others to take a look.

There are also button and zipper factories, which have also completed samples. For this international order, these three factories attach great importance to working overtime.

The next day, Tang Xiaonan and the others took the shuttle bus back to Wucheng, went straight to the market, and went to Zhou Xinqun's booth first. She took out the issuing card and placed the two together. Tang Xiaonan couldn't tell which was the sample, and there seemed to be no difference.

Johnny and they can't tell the difference, the quality and workmanship are completely passed.

"We are very satisfied and can sign the contract."

Tang Xiaonan translated, and Zhou Xinqun's heart suddenly fell to the ground, and he was so happy that he was about to float.

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