Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1133: Packaging is too rough

"This machine isn't cheap, is it?"

Zhou Xinqun smiled, "It's precious, my aunt doesn't hide it from you. I bought the two machines and your Uncle Mo's old background has been filled in, and I also borrowed a lot of money."

Seeing that Tang Xiaonan was worried, she smiled again, "But it's worth it, no matter how expensive it is, the machine of the small R notebook is really good, fast and good, the sample was driven out after three days and three nights of overtime, but this machine only needs In a few minutes, it is still automatic, and the factory sends people to come and fiddle with it a few times, and it can continue to produce non-stop, which is very convenient."

"But the money earned from this order shouldn't be able to buy two machines, right?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Zhou Xinqun shook his head, "I definitely can't afford it, it's not far, but it's still a good deal. These two machines of mine are the first in Wucheng, even in the whole province, and only my family can produce those issued cards, Xiaonan. Look at it, within half a year, my two machines will be able to earn back."

When she said these words, Zhou Xinqun, who was wearing an ordinary small suit, was in high spirits, and her brows were full of confidence, which added a lot of brilliance to her ordinary appearance.

Tang Xiaonan secretly admired that he was indeed a big boss in the future. This courage and insight were stronger than most men, but unfortunately the final investment still failed.

In fact, Zhou Xinqun can't be completely blamed. At that time, she was old and her energy was not as good as before. In addition, her three sons were not very promising, and there were no successors. And the impact of the economic environment caused her to go bankrupt. Lai's list.

But even so, it cannot hide the glory that Zhou Xinqun once created. She can be regarded as the queen of the Huaxia hair accessories kingdom, and her life can be called a legend.

Johnny and Jane are checking the product carefully, while Tang Xiaonan translates. Generally speaking, there is no problem with the quality of the product, but Johnny and the others are not satisfied with the packaging.

"The packaging is too rough, like the beautiful Snow White, covered with a layer of torn sacks, which completely hides the style of the card." Jane couldn't help shaking her head, disgusting the packaging.

Tang Xiaonan actually noticed this problem early in the morning. This is also a common problem with many domestic products. Not only now, even if it is another 20 years, the packaging is not delicate enough.

Take the pearl jewelry in Shanhu Town as an example. Although countless foreign merchants gather there every day, and the business is very prosperous, the sad thing is that these foreign merchants come to wholesale cheap pearls, and many pearls are sold by the pound. , After getting them back, they redesigned the packaging for these cheap pearls, and the price immediately doubled several times, even dozens of times, and then sold them back to earn money for the Chinese people.

To put it simply, Chinese people exported pearls at the price of cabbage, but foreigners sold them back at the price of gold.

Fortunately, many Chinese people realized the importance of brand design after that, and numerous jewelry design brands came out one after another, and they also took the high-end route, sharing a lot of cakes from foreigners.

"After you take it back, you should repackage it again, right?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Jane nodded, "It must be repackaged. I just think that your understanding of beauty is too rough. It is obvious that things are well done, but if you don't pay attention to dressing up, you will lose a lot of opportunities."

Tang Xiaonan nodded straight at hearing this. It was indeed the case, but he couldn't blame Zhou Xinqun and the others for their lack of awareness in this regard. The country has only just developed, and there must be a process, which cannot be accomplished overnight.

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