Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1134: Earn 1 house with 1 order

After a while, she talked to Zhou Xinqun to see if the packaging problem could be solved. The packaging looked good, the quality could be improved, and the price could be raised.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

In the end, it went smoothly, and the product was successfully accepted. Zhou Xinqun and his wife were relieved. Everything was difficult at the beginning. After this order was successful, it was much easier later.

Other button factories and zipper factories have also completed the acceptance, except for the packaging, the quality is very good.

After that, Tang Xiaonan participated in the packing and consignment. She had done all these things thoroughly in her previous life, but in her previous life, because international trade was very mature, it could also be transported by air, and many procedures were very convenient. At this time, international trade was really starting from zero, and There is no air freight, only sea freight, and the procedures are very troublesome.

Johnny and Jane are also novice, and they don't know anything about these. Zhou Xinqun and the others don't even know ABC. In comparison, Tang Xiaonan knows better.

So, these days, she helps packing and shipping, fills out a bunch of forms, and is very busy. Johnny and the others feel sorry for them, thinking they are abusing children, but if they leave Tang Xiaonan, they really can't handle it. The procedures for foreign-related consignment are very complicated. , Jane and the others can't read Chinese, and Zhou Xinqun and the others can't read foreign languages.

Even if you invite college students who understand foreign languages, they may not be able to fill in correctly. After all, it involves a lot of professional foreign trade knowledge, and only Tang Xiaonan can handle it.

After being busy for three or four days, the ship was finally successfully loaded. Tang Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief and could collect the money.

"Xiao Nan, thank you so much, you are our lucky star!"

Jane hugged Tang Xiaonan and kissed her face several times. Without this beautiful and smart little girl, their entrepreneurial journey would not have been so smooth.

"You're welcome, next time you buy goods, just keep looking for me." Tang Xiaonan booked the next order.

"Then you have to pray that our business goes well. If it fails, we can only go back and help." Jane shrugged.

The four of them all started companies in their families, and the scale was decent. The result of their failure to start a business was to go home to inherit the property, but Jane and the others did not want to inherit their father's business, they wanted to make their own way.

"It will definitely succeed, I am waiting for your good news."

Tang Xiaonan said with certainty that with such a cheap purchase price, the quality and style are all right. Jane and the others have sales channels. Even if a fool can succeed, she is still waiting to develop these four as regular customers.

"Haha, then I will definitely ask you for help. Without you, we can't do anything here."

Both Jane and Johnny laughed and felt a lot of confidence in their hearts. This trip should be a success, right?

The next day, Jane and Johnny settled the balance and credited it to Tang Xiaonan's account. She deducted her rebate and remitted it to Zhou Xinqun's three factory accounts in time, and called to inform them.

The first foreign trade order was successfully completed. Tang Xiaonan made a net profit of about 2,000 yuan in rebates. In addition to the translation fees given by Jane and the others, it was nearly 4,000 yuan, which was more than Xu Jinfeng earning a month.

But Xu Jinfeng is not surprised now, she just feels proud. Her daughter has earned so much money at the age of ten, she must be the most powerful in the world, and she gave birth to such a powerful daughter, and Xu Jinfeng is even more proud.

If there is a tail behind her, it must be at Nantianmen now.

"Mom, don't use this money, I'll use it." Tang Xiaonan urged again.

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