Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1135: 1 more order

Tang Xiaonan plans to take a few more orders. When the price is 10,000 yuan, he will go to Songcheng to buy a garden house. There are front and rear gardens. There are still many such houses. In a few decades, they will become peerless treasures. They are at least hundreds of millions, and even money can't buy them.

Because of the turmoil in those years, many bungalows are empty. As long as you have money, you can buy them. Even if the location is a little off, they will be developed in the future. She first hoards bungalows in Songcheng, and then goes to the imperial capital Xiangjiang Yangcheng. It is estimated that financial freedom can be achieved before the age of 30.

For the rest of her life, she would be able to live the life of a rich woman who counted the money and got cramps in her hands. She could go shopping in Paris, play a slot machine in Alaska, or go to New Zealand to set up a ranch...

As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want. As a human being, the source of many troubles is actually because you don’t have money.

"I know, Mommy saved it for you, and you don't need a penny."

Xu Jinfeng didn't plan to use it at first, and there is no place for money at home now. All the money earned by her daughter is saved and used as a dowry at that time.

A few days later, Jane found Tang Xiaonan again, and brought a young man with a suit and leather shoes. He was not tall. At first glance, he looked like an islander. Jane said it was her classmate Miyazaki Yuki, whose English name was Nick.

"Xiao Nan, Nick wants to ask the factory to process socks. He brought samples, and I have to trouble you to help." Jane said.

Nick, very polite and fluent in English, took out his sample, stockings.

Tang Xiaonan promised that this kind of stockings should not be difficult to process. She could help find a manufacturer in Yuecheng. The socks in Caotang Town of Yuecheng are famous all over the world, and they should be able to make them now.

When Xu Jinfeng saw it, he blurted out, "Aren't these glass socks? Why do foreigners like to wear such socks, they don't look good, they're not strong, and they're expensive."

"Mom, which is the largest socks factory in Caotang Town?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

"The biggest one is definitely the Dongxu Socks Factory, which is a state-owned factory, and there is another one called Langhua Factory, which is smaller in scale but has many styles. I get the goods from that factory." Xu Jinfeng said.

Tang Xiaonan knew that the state-owned factory was resting on its laurels, and its business model was definitely not as flexible as that of the private factory, but the strength of the state-owned factory was definitely stronger than that of the private factory.

She asked Xu Jinfeng to call Langhua Factory first, and was going to take Nick there to take a look. Although there are many socks factories in Wucheng, Tang Xiaonan still hopes to help Yuecheng, which is her hometown complex.

The Langhua Factory attaches great importance to her, and the factory manager personally received her. She did not despise Tang Xiaonan because of her young age. In fact, Tang Xiaonan's name was already very loud, and the factory manager had naturally heard of it.

"This is the customer's sample, can you produce it?"

Tang Xiaonan took out the sample. The factory manager touched it a few times and said with certainty, "I can do it. It happened that I imported a few machines, which are specially used for the production of stockings."

"Can the quality be guaranteed?"

"Don't worry, the quality must be guaranteed, or you'll be smashing the sign." The factory manager said with a smile.

Nick was a little dissatisfied with the simplicity of the Langhua Factory. He did not believe that such a humble factory could produce what he wanted, but Tang Xiaonan persuaded him to give the Langhua Factory a chance and let them make samples and look at it.

After that, Tang Xiaonan took Nick to the Dongxu Factory again. The strength of the state-owned factory was indeed much stronger, but Tang Xiaonan did not like this factory very much. The receptionist was too flattering and kept nodding and bowing. The manager of the factory is neither humble nor arrogant.

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