Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1136: Ready to slaughter 1 meal

However, Tang Xiaonan also asked Dongxu Factory to make samples, and then let Nick choose which one to make. She was only responsible for the introduction and did not participate in the selection and decision.

It turned out that the Langhua factory made the samples first, and the Dongxu factory made them after two days. Tang Xiaonan still knew a lot about socks. The quality of the samples made by the two factories was similar, but the efficiency was very different.

After that, Nick and a companion also came over. He was a man in his thirties. He looked very arrogant.

This companion's English is not very good, and Nick speaks R language, Tang Xiaonan's R language is quite fluent, and there is no problem in hearing it, but these two people think she doesn't understand and speaks very relaxed, Tang Xiaonan also knows The man's surname was Yamamoto, and Nick called him Yamamoto-kun. He was Nick's boss and the person in charge of the order.

"Girl China is quite beautiful, let's have some fun at night, Miyazaki-kun." Yamamoto smiled wryly, he liked to come to China for business trips, and many beauties gave him his arms, which was better than in China.

"No, Yamamoto-kun had a good time." Nick refused.

"You are so stupid. The girls here are beautiful and cheap, and they don't need to spend much money. If you don't sleep, you won't sleep. I've only been here for ten days, and I'll be a groom every night, haha..." proud.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, feeling disgusted in her heart, bastard!

But she was even more angry with some female compatriots for their unselfishness and shameful things.

She must take more rebates for this single business, and she will not take it for nothing.

Tang Xiaonan pretended not to understand, so let the pig be proud. The more she said, the better, and she would know more inside information.

"Miyazaki-kun, you've worked hard for the past few days. You can take care of some things."

"The price is up to you, Yamamoto-kun."

"It doesn't matter, the price given by the company is 50 yuan, as long as it is not lower than this price." Yamamoto said.

Tang Xiaonan's heart moved, Yamamoto pig must be talking about R yuan, what is the exchange rate of R yuan and RMB at this time, call back and ask Huo Jinzhi, he must know.

After taking Nick and the others to the hotel, Tang Xiaonan called Huo Jinzhi, who happened to be in the company.

"R yuan? I think about it, it seems to be two nine yuan for one hundred R yuan, and sometimes three yuan. Why are you asking this?" Huo Jinzhi asked.

"I'll tell you later, I'm hanging up."

Tang Xiaonan knew it in her heart. Converting 50 yuan into RMB is about 1.5 yuan, which is quite a high price. She can earn a lot.

"Don't hang up yet, I have something to tell you, come to Songcheng for school in the second half of the year, I will find the school for you." Huo Jinzhi said.

"Why are you going to school? No, I'm going to play at home."

Tang Xiaonan refused, she was only ten years old, what kind of school did she go to.

"You've been playing at home for ten years, and your second and third brothers will all come to Songcheng to go to school. Who are you playing with at home alone?" Huo Jinzhi expected that the girl would not agree, so he persuaded in a good voice.

"When did the third brother agree? He didn't take the university entrance exam, so what did he do in Songcheng?"

"Your third brother thinks that the quality of education in Songcheng is better, so he offered to study here." Huo Jinzhi didn't even blink an eye. In fact, he promised Tang Aijun a lot of benefits, so he coaxed him to agree.

"Then I won't go either. I'll play alone. Besides, I'm busy right now, and I don't have time to go to school. I have Grandpa Qi to teach me, so I'm much better than the school teacher." Tang Xiaonan still refused. After reading so many years in her last life, now she only Want to have fun.

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