Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1137: Promise to go to school in Songcheng

"Grandpa Qi will take off his hat in the second half of the year and go back to work at FD University." Huo Jinzhi said slowly.

Although Tang Xiaonan was regretful, he was still very happy. The old man finally waited until this day.

In the past two years, Yu Ziyang was running around for the old man Qi. Every time he was about to succeed, there were people on the top who blocked him. The old man knew that it must be the people who harmed him in the first place.

Fortunately, he has been through it for more than ten years, his mentality has calmed down early, and he comforted Yu Ziyang.

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Now we finally see the light of day, which is really gratifying.

Huo Jinzhi added: "You don't need to go to school every day when you come to Songcheng, as long as you can pass the exam."

Tang Xiaonan was moved, it was not bad not to go to school every day.

"I can't bear my parents, and my grandparents. I don't have to go to school anyway, so I might as well stay at home."

Tang Xiaonan still didn't agree, Huo Jinzhi on the other end of the phone rubbed his temples, the bigger the fat girl, the harder it was to coax her.

"You come to school here, and I'll give you a villa to play with." Huo Jinzhi threw out the ultimate bait. This fat girl is a money fan and will definitely be moved.


"How big is the villa? Is there a garden?" Tang Xiaonan asked eagerly.

As I said earlier, there are villas that are easy to say.

"It's big enough for a party of 100 people, with gardens in the front and back."

"Okay, I promise, you have arranged to tell me, I'll hang up."

Tang Xiaonan simply agreed. Such a good villa will definitely cost hundreds of millions in the future. The fool would not agree. The elated Tang Xiaonan didn't think about it, why the boss wanted to lure her to go to school with such a big villa.

Huo Jinzhi wanted to talk a few more cents, but a beep came from the microphone, Tang Xiaonan had hung up, he gritted his teeth, a little frustrated, and a little lost.

In the past, Tang Xiaopang would always look for him when he had something to do, but now he doesn't seem to be needed anymore. He was having a lot of fun by himself. This kind of feeling was not good at all. He had to get this fat girl to Songcheng to watch him earlier.

Your own daughter-in-law has to take care of her own house, so you can't be careless.

In the next few days, Yamamoto Pig never showed up again. Nick took care of everything. In the end, he chose Naniwa Factory because Naniwa Factory is highly efficient and he likes efficient people.

Tang Xiaonan asked the factory manager for a quotation. The factory manager thought about it and said: "The raw materials of this kind of stockings are more expensive, the equipment is also expensive, the workmanship is more complicated, and the price is expensive.

After finishing speaking, the factory manager said anxiously: "Will it be too high?"

"I'll ask first."

Tang Xiaonan kept calm, the octagonal five was unexpectedly cheap, and the company's reserve price was one yuan five.

"Their price is five cents per dollar. What do you think?" Tang Xiaonan added five points to the base price because of the expensive raw materials.

Nick shook his head, "It's too high, I can't accept it, can they lower the price?"

"I'll ask."

Tang Xiaonan chatted with the factory manager for a while, "The other party asked if the quality and quantity can be guaranteed, and the work can be completed as soon as possible?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely possible," the factory manager assured.

"I asked, and he said that he could drop another five cents, but he couldn't, otherwise he would lose money." Tang Xiaonan said.

In this way, after several consecutive messages, all of which were made by Tang Xiaonan alone, the final price was negotiated by Nick for a piece of triangle five. Tang Xiaonan was very satisfied. The order was completed, and she could go to Songcheng to buy a big villa.

Tang Xiaonan didn't feel guilty at all for earning that Yamamoto pig's money.

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