Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1138: 1 big profit

After everything was negotiated, the contract was signed. Tang Xiaonan was busy for a few days, and everything was settled. Nick was very polite and paid her 300 yuan a day. The director of the Langhua Factory also gave her a lot of money. Thank you She brought such a big business.

After all these things are done, it will be May. Nick wants a lot of socks, and the craftsmanship of the socks is quite complicated. After they are made by the machine, it takes at least one month to select the finalized packaging and then pack them into boxes.

Tang Xiaonan went back to Mopan Mountain first, and asked Nick to call if something happened.

Xu Jinfeng also came back, let Tang Laifeng watch the booth alone, she came back to accompany the test.

Tang Aiguo will take the college entrance examination in July, and there is still a month and a half left. Xu Jinfeng will go to the city every three or five to deliver food, so that his son can ensure nutrition.

A month later, the socks were finished in a hurry. Tang Xiaonan notified Nick to inspect them. The packaging was still rough, but after Nick and the others got them back, they would definitely change to their own packaging.

Tang Xiaonan said: "Actually, you can send your company's packaging and let it be packaged here, so that you can save a lot of labor costs."

Nick's company's brand is fairly well-known, and it sells well in the country. Brands like this are usually outsourced. In the previous life, Tang Xiaonan often saw them, and many famous brands would outsource.

Let some factories do the processing, and the company will send people to check the quality, and then sell it under its own brand. This is outsourcing, and many large companies will do this.

Therefore, many brand-name clothes, shoes and bags bought in shopping malls are not necessarily produced by our factory, but may be made by a factory near your home.

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Tang Xiaonan knew from the very beginning that Nickelodeon must come here to find outsourcing, and Huaxia is the cheapest manpower and raw materials.

The packaging of the wave factory has to be done again after it is shipped to the island country. It is too wasteful. It is better to let the wave factory package it directly.

Nick looked at Tang Xiaonan unexpectedly, "How do you know I have to repackage?"

"Just think about it, you are selling it in your own country, and the packaging is in Chinese. Of course, you need to replace it with your own language." Tang Xiaonan said with a smile.

Nick looked surprised, this little girl is too smart, and her ideas are also very good. The labor in this country is indeed very expensive. If you can pack it here, you can save a lot of money for the company. Promotion!

"Thank you, I will mention it to the company when I go back."

Nick bowed and thanked Tang Xiaonan for his idea.

Tang Xiaonan felt a little empty in her heart. She didn't feel guilty about killing Yamamoto's pig, but Nick's character was still good. After all, he was a little empty. This idea was to help him.

After the delivery, Nick remitted the balance as scheduled. Tang Xiaonan earned more than 10,000 yuan this time, and with the previous order from Johnny and the others, it was already 20,000 yuan.

You can go to Songcheng to buy a super villa.

Tang Xiaonan called Huo Jinzhi, "I'm going to buy a house, you can help me find it, I want to bring a garden."

"how much money you have?"

"Twenty thousand dollars."

Tang Xiaonan was very proud, and Huo Jinzhi was taken aback, "Where did you get so much money?"

"Earn it."

Tang Xiaonan told her about slaughtering the Yamamoto pig, and said triumphantly, "I feel disgusted when I see that guy. I made him more than ten thousand!"

Huo Jinzhi smiled, this girl is really quirky, and her ability to make money is too strong. When he was ten years old, he was not so good.

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