Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1141: Consumption concept is different

"Mr. Qi really said that?" Tang Baishan asked.

"I said, if you don't believe me, go ask Grandpa Qi." Tang Xiaonan affirmed.

"That Mr. Qi also said he wanted to buy a house?" Zhang Manyue asked.

Tang Xiaonan nodded, and Mr. Qi did say that, to say that the old man is really good, the national living environment in 30 years' time has basically been predicted, such as the three major economic modules, the rapid development of housing prices, the era of the Internet economy, etc. It's like seeing with your own eyes see the same.

The Tang family were all thoughtful. After a while, Tang Baishan said, "Then buy it, Mr. Qi will definitely be right."

"How about a few thousand dollars, just buy it if you say it? You can't live in this house after you buy it, so there will be bugs there?" Zhang Manyue was still distressed about the money, and felt that it was unnecessary.

It's not that the family doesn't have a house, and they don't go to Songcheng to live, so what's the need to travel so far to buy a house?

"Grandma, these houses will be very expensive in the future. If you buy them now and keep them, they will all be money in the future." Tang Xiaonan paused, then said, "The money in the bank will be worthless in a few decades, because money It will only become more and more worthless, mama, do you still remember the 100 yuan from the past, you could buy a cow six months ago, but after half a year you can't even buy a piglet."

Inflation old people must not understand. Tang Xiaonan gave an example from life. In the two years before liberation, the inflation of paper currency was particularly exaggerated.

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Zhang Manyue was silent for a while. She had personally experienced this, and what she remembered was that she finally saved some money and wanted to buy a cow, but after she saved the money, she couldn't even buy a calf. Well, I ended up buying only one Piggy back, and after a few days, the money couldn't even buy Piggy.

She is still good. There is an old lady in the next village. She lives frugally and is reluctant to spend a penny. All the hard-earned money of her son and grandson is handed in. She saves a box of money, which can only be used to paste the soles of shoes. , this is still being mentioned.

"That was before liberation, and now it is a new society, so it is impossible."

Zhang Manyue is still reluctant to spend money, mainly because she has confidence in the new society. This is a society that truly is in charge of the poor. How can it still be like the old society.

"Grandma, this has nothing to do with any society. Over time, money will definitely depreciate. It is inevitable. Anyway, I want to buy a house and I will spend my own money." Tang Xiaonan said firmly.

"Buy it, the house is always standing there, there will be no less, it's better than a prodigal." Tang Baishan agreed.

After Tang Xiaonan fell asleep, Zhang Manyue said unhappily, "This girl's idea is getting bigger and bigger, so much money has to be spent, and you are spoiled."

"Mom, I don't like to hear what you say. We are used to Xiao Nan, who can be as smart and capable as my Xiao Nan? Even newspaper reporters have to interview Xiao Nan, and the money is also earned by Xiao Nan. Yes, she can buy a house if she wants to." Xu Jinfeng retorted.

Tang Laifu nodded vigorously, but that's not true, his mother just managed to be lenient.

Zhang Manyue was so angry that she slapped Tang Laifu's head hard, and nodded her hair, making her angry.

The matter of buying a house was settled. Early the next morning, Tang Laifu sent the two of them into the city, caught up with the early bus leaving at 7 o'clock, and had lunch with Huo Jinzhi.

Tang Xiaonan didn't get motion sickness today, and fell asleep the whole time. When he arrived at Huo Jinzhi's company, he was still confused. Xu Jinfeng had to carry her on his back. Huo Jinzhi took out a candied plum from his pocket and stuffed it into Tang Xiaonan's mouth.

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