The sweet and sour taste stimulated Tang Xiaonan to wake up all of a sudden, opened his eyes, and yawned.

"Where's the house?"

"I'll see it later, eat first." Huo Jinzhi took it from Xu Jinfeng's back and carried it on his back.

I haven't carried it for a long time, and suddenly I miss Tang Xiaopang when he was a child and let him carry it when he went out.

Xu Jinfeng's waist was a little sore, and she was so happy to let Huo Jinzhi's back, and she now treats Huo Jinzhi as her son-in-law. She called Su Wanrou a few days ago and mentioned this matter. Su Wanrou agreed with her mouth and said that she would wait for her to give birth. Come and do it after you have a baby.

Su Wanrou is already pregnant and the due date is around October. She can't go anywhere. Mother Su has already gone to Yangcheng to take care of her daughter.

After the meal, Huo Xiu also came over, and when he saw Xu Jinfeng, his scalp hurt. The tigress pulled a lot of his hair last time, almost bald, and the fat girl almost bit off his ear. It's not good, what are you doing here today?

Huo Xiu led them to the house. The location was quite good. Yinshan Road was considered a wealthy area before liberation. He asked in a low voice, "What are they always doing? We are doing serious things."

"Xiao Nan wants to buy a house." Huo Jinzhi said.

Huo Xiu jumped three feet high and said, "That fat girl buys a house? Where did she get the money? Twenty thousand yuan, not two hundred yuan, is the money you gave her? You stupid thing, that fat girl If you want a face without a face, a body without a figure, and a yellow-haired girl who is still stinky, where did you get mesmerized?"

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It was hard for Tang Xiaonan to hear such a loud voice. She rolled her eyes to the sky, looking down at people!

"Xiao Nan is more capable than you, and people earn their own money, so don't be a villain!"

Huo Jinzhi rolled his eyes, but Huo Xiu didn't believe it. She was just a ten-year-old yellow-haired girl who came out of a ravine. How capable can she be?

Twenty thousand yuan is not a small amount. He is sure that the savings of the fat girl's family can be as high as two thousand yuan.

"Xiao Nan knows the languages ​​of several countries, and she makes a lot of money as a comprador." Huo Jinzhi roughly explained.

Huo Xiu blinked, is this fat girl a comprador?

Do you know the languages ​​of several countries?

real or fake?

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes at Huo Xiu without hesitation, and snorted, Huo Xiu was so angry that her teeth were itching, this dead girl is too uneducated.

"I want to buy the house by myself, so please lend me some money, and I will pay you back within a year at most." Huo Xiu was reluctant to let such a good house fall into the hands of outsiders.

It’s fine for his son to buy it, but the fat girl can’t. He has to find a way to buy it himself.

"No money."

Huo Jinzhi categorically refused, seeing through his father's abacus at a glance, he added, "I'll find the Xu family myself, you don't have to worry about this."

After he finished speaking, he led Tang Xiaonan away. Huo Xiu stopped embarrassedly, angry and helpless. Now he has no prestige in front of his son.

After a while, Huo Xiu caught up with him again, and he still had to keep an eye on it, otherwise he would be worried.

Tang Xiaonan made a face at him, Huo Xiu's face froze, and he turned his head to be angry.

After taking the bus twice, I finally arrived at the place. Tang Xiaonan was very satisfied with the appearance of the Xu family villa. Across the iron gate, I could see a large lawn and two houses, one tall and the other short, the taller one was The master room, the lower one is the worker's room, despite the wind and rain, the house is still well preserved.

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