Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1144: meet acquaintances

The young man was in his early twenties, and his appearance was somewhat similar to Xu Gongzi. There were two acquaintances behind him, a man and a woman, who cried out in surprise when he saw Tang Xiaonan.

"Xiao Nan, why are you here?"

The visitors turned out to be Jane and Johnny. They were friends of Xu Gongzi's son, and they couldn't be more coincidental.

Tang Xiaonan was also surprised, she went over to say hello and introduced Huo Jinzhi.

"I'm here to play." Tang Xiaonan said casually, not wanting Jane and the others to know that they had bought a house.

Jane introduced a friend, the son of Xu Gongzi, Jane and their name are Jon, and this boy's speech and behavior have been completely Westernized, and his Chinese is not as smooth as English. Tang Xiaonan understands Xu Gongzi's helplessness just now.

"Daddy, my friend wants to buy a house, you haven't sold it yet?" Jon asked.

"It's already sold, and I told you a long time ago that my house will not be sold to foreigners." Xu Gongzi sank his face and said he was very unhappy.

"Daddy, you are prejudiced against my friends, what's wrong with foreigners? I think they are very good, and Daddy, aren't you a foreigner now to Huaxia?" Jon retorted angrily.

Xu Gongzi changed his face and was speechless for a while, but Tang Xiaonan could feel that Xu Gongzi was very sad at the moment.

Huo Xiu interjected: "Your father had to leave at the beginning. At that time, the civil war was raging. If you didn't leave, you would never have a birthday. It's not good to say it. If your father didn't leave, you might not be able to give birth."

Jon's age looks like he was born abroad. Huo Xiu doesn't have a good impression of this kid, neither big nor small, of course his own son is neither big nor small, but this Jon is not as capable as his son, and it is estimated that he is still there. Spend my old man's money.

"Who are you? I don't need you to intervene in my family's affairs." Jon said badly.

Huo Xiu changed his face, laughed dryly, and smiled at Xu Gongzi: "Young son has quite a personality!"

"There is no way to teach the child, I laughed."

Xu Gongzi looked embarrassed, and was even more disappointed with his younger son. He said to Jane and Johnny, "I'm sorry, there is already a buyer for this house."

"It's nothing, we can find it again."

Jane and Johnny didn't care too much. They wanted to buy a house for a long stay because they liked Huaxia. It just so happened that Jon said that there was a house for sale at home, so they came here. It doesn't matter if they sold it. Look elsewhere.

"Daddy, you have disappointed me so much!"

Jon is very angry, angry that his father has made him lose face in front of his friends, and his tone is very disrespectful.

Jane and Johnny were a little uncomfortable, thinking that it was because of them that the father and son had a quarrel, and they didn't know how to persuade them. Tang Xiaonan comforted: "It has nothing to do with you, it's Jon's own problem."

Originally, it was Jon's responsibility. Xu Gongzi said early on that he would not sell it to foreigners, but he didn't take it seriously, and even brought his friends over. People like Jon are a spoiled rich man, he didn't take responsibility. There is no sense of responsibility, if the family has always been so rich, his life will naturally go smoothly.

But if something happened to the Xu family, Jon Bianzi couldn't help but collide, and he couldn't afford it at all. Instead, he might create a lot of trouble.

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Huo Xiu was surprised to see the fat girl chatting with the two foreigners. It looked like they knew each other. Could this fat girl really be a comprador?

Pulling Huo Jinzhi aside, he asked in a low voice, "Are those two foreigners friends of the little fat girl?"

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