Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1145: Be careful being a cheap dad

"Client, Xiao Nan has a name, and she is very thin now."

Huo Jinzhi rolled his eyes angrily, he still thinks Tang Xiaopang is too thin, how fun it was to be fat when he was a child.

Huo Xiu clicked his tongue strangely, "This little fat girl speaks foreign language very neatly, her tongue is like a parrot's tongue, not bad, very promising, by the way, can this little fat girl speak R language? I met an island idiot recently. , He wants to get a batch of cotton yarn here, but he can't speak foreign languages ​​very well, and he can't see a translator who understands the R language, so the business has not yet been negotiated."

"Of course Xiao Nan can speak R language, and she speaks it very well. I want to join this business, otherwise I don't care." Huo Jinyi was immediately moved when he heard that he could kill the people of the island.

"Okay, okay, let's be polite, I don't belong to you." Huo Xiu said nicely.

Huo Jinzhi sneered, looked at him for a long time, Huo Xiu felt hairy, and his back was cold, what did this kid know?

"Hu Wanxi seems to be pregnant, be careful, don't be a cheap dad!"

Huo Jinzhi said coolly, his scum father and Hu Wanxi's shameless woman are still unbroken, and Hu Wanxi is not small, and wants to have a son to fight for the family property.

To be honest, if you change to another woman who keeps his own feet, if he is serious and married to his scumbag, he will not care even if he has a dozen children, and he will give the family property, anyway, he can earn it himself.

But Hu Wanxi can't.

The second concubine has been sympathetic to grandma for most of her life, and Hu Wanxi has sympathized with his mother again. He will never allow this woman to take the position.

His father wanted to mess around casually, but he couldn't marry a woman like Hu Wanxi, let alone have children.

Huo Xiu's face changed, and suddenly he felt a little more color on his forehead. He probably knew that Hu Wanxi and her stepfather were unclear, and of course he was disgusted in his heart, but who made this woman so attractive, Liuxia Huidu Can't help it.

But what the stinky boy said is also possible, in case he becomes a king, the forehead will grow grass.

"If you accept your heart and live with a decent woman, it doesn't matter if you give birth to seventeen or eighteen, but that **** Hu Wanxi must not enter Huo's house, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face!"

Huo Jinzhi warned in a cold voice that the ugly words must be said in the front.

Huo Xiugan laughed a few times, "How could I marry that kind of woman, just to play with her, don't worry, I definitely won't marry her, and I won't have a child in my womb."

When I turned around, I gave Hu Wanxi a sum of money and asked her to beat the child. Now he is really afraid of his son. If he gets involved with the man named Ye again, he will have to beg for food again.

That's all, there is no fragrant grass in the world, why should he guard a flower? If he goes to look for other beauties, it is time to get married. If he can have a son and a half daughter, it will be good.

It's better to have a daughter. The daughter is caring. His heart has been pierced by the stinky boy. It is better to have a daughter.

Jon ran angrily, Jane and Johnny also left, Xu Gongzi smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Children are all born to collect debts, so is my son. I don't care about my father at all." Huo Xiuqing said sincerely, what he said was the sincerity.

By the way, the app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] caches reading and reads it offline!

Xu Gongzi felt a little more comfortable. Huo Xiu's father and son turned against each other. He has heard a lot in the past few days. It seems that every family has a difficult scripture to read!

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