Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1147: to be a brother

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, she could make a lot of money again, she leaned into Huo Jinzhi's ear and whispered, "I'll help you find out the reserve price of Yamamoto pigs, and then you can share half of my extra, okay? no?"


Huo Jinzhi readily agreed, and it was no problem to give Tang Xiaopang all the points.

Yang Lijuan also leaned into Xu Jinfeng's ear and joked, "Sister-in-law, look at this couple, how good their relationship is, have you made a marriage appointment?"

"I mentioned it to Wanrou, and she has no opinion. When she has a baby, she will come over and settle the matter." Xu Jinfeng is also very relieved.

Yang Lijuan looked surprised, "Is it true that her mother has a child? It's so fast, her luck is so good."

Huo Xiu's ears trembled, and he moved closer to them. He seemed to have heard Su Wanrou's name just now.

Yang Lijuan said enviously, "What I envy most is Wanrou, she is beautiful and blessed, her son is so capable, and another husband is so good to her, so you don't have to worry about anything."

It's not like she has to worry about everything by herself and work hard. Although she is used to it, she is very tired.

Xu Jinfeng comforted and said, "A person's destiny is destined, and it is set at birth. You are living well now, so what is there to envy."

Yang Lijuan smiled and said nothing, but she was still somewhat unwilling. She actually wanted to have a husband who could spoil her like a princess, but she didn't have the beauty of Su Wanrou, so don't daydream.

"When is Wanrou's due date?" Yang Lijuan asked.

"October, it's a good day, not too hot or cold, confinement is comfortable, my grandmother has passed away, comrade Ye has hired a nanny, and Wan Rou complained on the phone that she was pregnant. She is nervous, this is not allowed and that is not allowed, just like working in the classroom."

Xu Jinfeng said with a smile, Yang Lijuan was envious again, she was still busy in the restaurant when she was eight months old.

People are really incomparable.

Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Su Wanrou to be pregnant. The mad master worked hard to create a human, and he didn't know if he would have a little brother or a little sister.

The book's Huo Jinzhi had no younger siblings, and was alone until his death.

"You're going to be a brother."

Tang Xiaonan leaned into Huo Jinzhi's ear and said that the heat made his ear sockets ticklish, Huo Jinzhi shook his head slightly, he was different from others, his armpits were not ticklish, but his ears were very ticklish.

"Your ears are itchy? Hee hee..."

Tang Xiaonan breathed as if he had discovered a new world, Huo Jinzhi shivered with itchiness and glared at him, but Tang Xiaonan was not afraid of him, so he breathed again, helpless, Huo Jinzhi had to hold her down.

The two laughed and quarreled, looking at Xu Jinfeng's eyes with special relief, a motherly smile on her face, and even looking forward to the future, when Xiao Nan could get married at the age of 20 and have a few more children, at that time she was still in good health and could Bringing her grandson, a bunch of children call her grandma, it is very beautiful to think about.

That night, Xu Jinfeng's mother and daughter slept at Tang Laijin's house. The next day, Xu Jinfeng went back alone, and Tang Xiaonan had to kill Shanben pigs.

"Respectfully, watch this girl, don't let her spend money indiscriminately, and send it back after a few days of play."

Before leaving, Xu Jinfeng repeatedly told Huo Jinzhi that she was at ease, but she was worried that her future son-in-law would spend money uncontrollably and spoil her daughter in everything.

"Don't worry, Auntie, my little girl and I will be back in a few days." Huo Jinzhi said respectfully.

"You can rest assured, auntie, just don't spoil the little girl."

Xu Jinfeng left with confidence, and took the deed of a large house. She wanted to go back and show off with Tang Laifu. She gave birth to such a capable girl, and she definitely inherited her clever genes.

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