Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1148: make a lot of money

Huo Xiu moved very fast, and found Yamamoto within two days. This guy was so drunk in Songcheng that he didn't even know his surname, but Yamamoto called his companion Nick.

Seeing Tang Xiaonan, Nick was very surprised, "It's a coincidence that we meet again."

"It's quite a coincidence. I didn't expect you to buy cotton yarn. You are my old customer. I will find high-quality and cheap cotton yarn for you." Tang Xiaonan flickered seriously.

Although she has a good impression of Nick, business is business, and favors are favors, and they must be earned.

"Thank you, this time I came to China, the biggest gain I got was getting to know you, Xiaonan." Nick said sincerely, not treating Tang Xiaonan as a child, it was the tone of adults.

"I'm also very happy to meet you. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future!"

Tang Xiaonan is also very sincere. In fact, she doesn't deceive customers. The quality of the products she found for Nick and them is all right, and the price is within the company's reserve price range, she just made more money.

International trade has only just opened, so the island country doesn't know the price here. This kind of thing can only be done a few times, and it will definitely be revealed over time. After all, Nick and the others will definitely inquire about the market after returning to China.

But Tang Xiaonan is not worried, she did not deceive customers, everyone is willing, and Nickelodeon can make money at this price.

Huo Xiu's eyes flickered, and he looked at Tang Xiaonan with admiration.

This fat girl really has a few brushes. She speaks foreign language more smoothly than Chinese, and she doesn't know what she is talking about, and she can speak R language, which is incredible at such a young age.

Huo Jinzhi dragged him aside, "Don't tell Yamamoto that Xiaonan understands the R language."

"Why?" Huo Xiu didn't understand.

He got a contemptuous stare from his son, "Your brain is twitching. Yamamoto and his companions thought that Xiaonan didn't know the R language, so they wouldn't be wary. Only Xiaonan can find out the details. As long as we find out the other party's reserve price, we can make a lot of money."

Huo Xiu suddenly realized and nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, it has to be like this, I definitely won't say it."

Or this stinky boy is smart and smart like him.

Huo Xiu found a tea house. The box was very quiet. After drinking tea, he mentioned the business and said that he could get good quality cotton yarn.

"How much did Yamamoto-kun bid? The cotton yarn I have is absolutely of high quality and can be shipped at any time."

Tang Xiaonan translated it in English, and Nick translated it to Yamamoto in R. Yamamoto thought about it and asked, "I want 100 tons of cotton yarn, can you get it?"

Huo Xiu was overjoyed, he made a lot of money, he nodded quickly, "Don't worry, don't say one hundred tons, one thousand tons is fine."

There are so many cotton spinning factories in Songcheng, and any factory can supply it.

Yamamoto and Nick chatted chatteringly, naturally speaking in R language, Tang Xiaonan listened with pricked ears, and sure enough they were negotiating a bid again.

"Miyazaki-kun, how much do you think is the right price?"

"Yamamoto-kun, this is your family's business. My bid is not suitable. You should make up your mind." Nick was reluctant to intervene.

It turns out that this cotton yarn is Yamamoto's family business. Although this guy is a dandy, his family is quite awesome and very famous in the island country. The socks before were only a branch of the family business. This cotton yarn is Another branch.

And Nick only works in the socks company, so it is inconvenient for him to get involved in the cotton yarn business. He came here today to help translate.

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