Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1152: City God Temple

Tang Xiaonan was so frightened that she almost fell, and she hugged her tightly, her heart almost jumping out.

Huo Jinzhi simply stopped and held the girl to the front bumper. He overestimated the girl's ability, and it would be too unsafe to follow.

"How come there are so many? Are you right?"

She was very satisfied if she could earn three or five thousand, but she did not expect that with thirty-five thousand, she could buy two houses.

"That's right, the ex-factory price of cotton yarn is 7,51 tons." Huo Jinzhi's lips rose, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath. The fat girl smelled the same as when she was a child.

"Then you can give me 5,000 yuan, and I'll just translate a few sentences. No merit will not be paid."

"Agreed to give you half of it."

"I didn't know I could earn so much at that time. I thought it was a few thousand yuan. Anyway, I only need five thousand yuan. I don't want more than you give me." Tang Xiaonan acted coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll give you five thousand yuan."

Huo Jinzhi smiled, with a tone of doting that he didn't even know he knew.

Should he save the remaining 30,000 yuan for Tang Xiaopang, or buy a house?

This fat girl seems to like the house.

Passing by a school on the way, it looked very imposing, Huo Jinzhi stopped, "You come here to go to school in the second half of the year."

Tang Xiaonan took a look and found that it was a primary school affiliated with FD University.

"How did you get in touch with such a good school?"

"Grandpa Yu helped, I'm in the attached middle school."

Huo Jinzhi has slyness in his eyes, so that he can stare at Tang Xiaopang all the time.

How could Tang Xiaonan know his thoughts, she was quite excited, the primary school attached to FD was a famous school, and she didn't expect that she would be able to go to a famous school.

"Have Grandpa Qi's family been found? It's been so long, why is there no news?"

When talking about Yu Ziyang, Tang Xiaonan thought about it. Yu Ziyang had been helping to contact Mr. Qi's relatives abroad for a long time, but there is still no news.

Huo Jinzhi frowned slightly, "Grandpa Yu asked someone to inquire and wrote letters, but those letters were returned. Grandpa Qi's family has moved, and there is no news from overseas."

Tang Xiaonan sighed, it's really good luck, it's no wonder that the old man in the book didn't get news until several years after the accident, but it's no wonder, it's been so many years, it's normal to move.

Tang Xiaonan comforted: "There will definitely be good news, maybe in a few days, and Grandpa Qi will be able to reunite with his family soon."

Huo Jinzhi smiled, "You are a soul boy, I borrowed you auspicious words."

"I'm sure what I said is accurate, just wait for the good news." Tang Xiaonan said proudly.

But in fact, she doesn't have a clue in her heart. Who knows when there will be good news, but it's just her wish. I just hope she can really say it.

When he arrived at the Temple of the City God, Tang Xiaonan was a little disappointed. Compared with the later generations, it was much simpler and there were not many shops. However, there were still quite a lot of people visiting, many of them were brought by their families, which was very lively.

One of the places that Songcheng people often go to on weekends is the City God Temple. It doesn’t cost much to visit here, and the children also have fun. It is the most affordable weekend pastime. Many families are willing to come here.

Huo Jinzhi held her hand and wandered all the way, there were many stalls.

There are sugar man, sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, chicken porridge, white sugar cakes, tiger paws, plum cakes, chicken cakes, lotus cakes, etc. The food stalls are the most, and the prices are not expensive. Many parents buy them for their children. .

"Do you want to eat candied haws?" Huo Jinzhi asked.

Tang Xiaonan shook her head. She didn't like to eat these. There were a group of children in the distance, who seemed very interested. She was involuntarily interested and dragged Huo Jinzhi to watch it.

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