Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1153: Dragon and Phoenix

It is an uncle who is setting up a candy painting booth. There is a turntable next to it. Each grid has flowers, birds and insects. The most complicated ones are dragons and phoenixes, and Sun Wukong. The simplest is flowers and insects. do whatever.

Many children are turning, they all want to turn the dragon or the phoenix, but they never turn.

"Dragon... dragon... oops... how did it pass!"

A little fat boy screamed in disappointment. He had stopped at the dragon grid just now, but he passed a few grids and stopped on the Sun Wukong, but the boy was still quite happy, even if there was a Monkey King.

The uncle scooped a spoonful of sugar juice, and his movements were very flexible. After a few strokes, he drew a lifelike Monkey King. The bamboo stick was pressed on it, and it was shoveled down after cooling.

"Take it, next time you will turn to the dragon again!" The uncle said with a smile.

The fat boy nodded happily, reluctant to eat Sun Wukong, and went to show off with his partner.

"Do you want to switch?" Huo Jinzhi asked.

Tang Xiaonan was eager to try it. She wanted to try her luck, so she took out a dime from her pocket, but unfortunately she only transferred it to a flower, and the uncle painted it in a few clicks.

"I'll take another turn."

Tang Xiaonan gave the flower to a child next to her, and turned it around again. This turned a pig, but she had stopped on the phoenix just now.

"Master, your turntable is wrong. It was obviously not moving just now, why did it suddenly move again?"

Tang Xiaonan and the uncle reasoned, she was reasonable.

This little trick can't be concealed from her. She knew the reason in the previous life, but the uncle seems to have a hard time, so she won't expose it.

The uncle smiled and said, "Zhu Bajie is pretty good too, why don't I draw you a white bone spirit?"

"I don't want a white bone spirit, you can draw me a phoenix, and I'll give you fifty cents, okay?"

Tang Xiaonan took out 50 cents, so it's not difficult for the uncle. In fact, she knows that the magnet is in the uncle's hand, and the pointer is iron. When you hold the magnet, the pointer can move, so it is up to the uncle to decide where to turn. .

The uncle immediately raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I'll draw a phoenix for you, and I'll definitely draw the most beautiful one."

He scooped up a spoonful of sugar juice and drew it seriously. The phoenix was really difficult to draw. The uncle took nearly ten minutes to draw, and only then did he complete a lifelike phoenix, which was still soaring.

"Here, your phoenix!"

The uncle handed the phoenix to Tang Xiaonan, and then glanced at Huo Jinzhi, who was arrogant next to her. The two children must have a good family background and not bad money, so he said, "Would you like to draw another dragon? You two are a good match for each other. Well, this is called Longfeng Chengxiang."

Huo Jinzhi's thoughts moved, Longfeng Chengxiang's words sounded strangely pleasant, he took out another 50 cents, "Let's draw another dragon."

"It's done, I'll have it right away."

The uncle was very happy, and spent another ten minutes to draw a dragon. The craftsmanship is really good. The dragon and the phoenix are painted just like paintings. The other children are interested in it. They are also very satisfied.

"Come again next time!"

The uncle said enthusiastically, he is eager to meet such generous customers every day, and he can close the stall with a few orders.

Tang Xiaonan glanced at the uncle's left hand, smiled meaningfully, and left with Huo Jinzhi.

The uncle's heart skipped a beat, he did have a magnet in his left hand, the pretty girl just now must have seen it, but this girl has a good heart, she didn't break him, and she was willing to spend fifty cents. of.

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