Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1154: nightmare again

Tang Xiaonan was playing with the candy painting in her hand, and she was going to take it home and plug it in.

"Why didn't you dismantle Uncle's trick just now?" Huo Jinzhi asked with a smile.

"You didn't dismantle it either."

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes and said, "Don't eat this dragon, I'm going to put it on the bed when I go back, and put one on each side."

"Aren't you afraid of attracting ants on the bed? Put it on the cabinet." Huo Jinzhi smiled. Sometimes this girl is very smart, and sometimes she is stupid.

"Then put it in the cabinet, and you don't eat it."

Tang Xiaonan exhorted again, there are fewer and fewer sugar paintings, and the craftsmanship is not as exquisite as it is now.

There were still people juggling on the road, wearing red robes, walking on stilts, and wearing hideous ghost masks. Many people were watching. When Tang Xiaonan passed by, these people just finished the performance and took a shallow pot to collect the reward money.

The man wearing the mask, bent down and looked at Tang Xiaonan, the robe that was as red as blood, and the terrifying ghost mask on his face, combined to form a particularly terrifying feeling, Tang Xiaonan was shocked and subconsciously Hiding behind Huo Jin.

Huo Jinzhi blocked her, took out a dime as a reward, and the masked man went to other people to ask for a reward.

"Don't be afraid, he's gone." Huo Jinzhi comforted.

"I'm not afraid."

Tang Xiaonan's mouth is stubborn, but her heart is still beating wildly. She was afraid of this when she was a child. In her previous life, when she was a child, she also encountered such a street performer. She was dressed like this masked man and walked on stilts. When she walked up to her to ask for money, her waist was very low, and the terrifying mask was facing her, and she was terrified at the time.

At night, she had nightmares. In the dream, the masked man was catching her, talking nonsense all night, and dreaming for the next few days. The old man said she was in shock, called her a soul, and took a bowl of glutinous rice and pressed it on the pillow. Come on, it will be better after a month.

I didn't expect to meet such a masked person again today, Tang Xiaonan felt a little regretful, knowing that she wouldn't watch the fun.

But she didn't take it too seriously. After all, she has been a human being in two lives, and it is unlikely that she will be frightened by a mask again.

Huo Jinzhi didn't care too much, because he didn't think it was scary at all. In the daytime, he just wore a mask, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

After walking around for a long time, the two finished visiting the Chenghuang Temple and had dinner nearby. Huo Jinzhi took her to the Bund, which is also a famous scenic spot in Songcheng, also known as Lover's Beach. Many couples will come here for dates in the evening. It is a must-check place to visit Songcheng.

Huo Jinzhi took a few photos of her and sent her back to Tanglaijin.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"OK, good night."

Tang Xiaonan yawned and watched Huo Jinzhi ride away, and then entered the house. Tang Laijin and his wife were there.

"Auntie, don't eat these two candy paintings, I'm going to take them back and insert them."

Before going to bed, Tang Xiaonan made a special confession.

"Okay, I'll put it away for you. Are you afraid to sleep alone? Do you want to sleep with my aunt?" Yang Lijuan asked with a smile.

Tang Xiaonan shook her head vigorously, "I'm not afraid."

Just kidding, she's ten years old.

The room that Yang Lijuan arranged was very clean. Tang Xiaonan was tired after walking around all day, and fell asleep as soon as she lay down, but tonight she slept very unsteadily and had nightmares again.

Just like in the previous life, the masked man in the dream was chasing her and grinning at her. Tang Xiaonan ran desperately and almost got caught up several times. The masked man was still calling from behind, "Follow me back, you don't belong here!"

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