Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1155: I saw the crazy 2 uncles

"If you don't go back, I'm Tang Xiaonan." Tang Xiaonan shouted.

"You're not the Tang Xiaonan of this world, come here!" The masked man suddenly stretched out his hand, and he was about to catch her.

Tang Xiaonan screamed in fright and ran as fast as she could, with the whirring of the wind in her ears, she was still barefoot, the soles of her feet were hurt by small stones, she did not dare to stop, let alone turn back, and kept running forward .

I don't know how long I ran, but I didn't hear the voice of the masked man. Tang Xiaonan was too tired to run, so he stopped and looked back. In the vast expanse of white, the masked man disappeared.

She breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to stop and take a break, but the thick fog in front of her suddenly changed, and she saw the second uncle.

But it's a crazy second uncle.

The second uncle is not as high-spirited as he is now. His hair is gray, his clothes are dirty and messy, and his expression is blank. He sits alone in the room and murmurs: "Where is Alan... Why can't you see..."

Tang Xiaonan wanted to get close to her second uncle, but there was an invisible barrier in the air blocking her. She thought of Lishun when she was a child, saw the portrait of the original body, and the down-and-out eldest brother, which was also the case at that time.

Did she fall into the dream in the book again?

Tang Xiaonan calmed down. Since she entered here, there must be a reason. Sure enough, after a while, the door of the room opened, and a stylish and beautiful woman came in, obviously the grown-up Shen Yuzhu.

She was in her twenties, but she already had the temperament of a strong woman, with a slight smile on her face, looking amiable, and behind her was the terribly old Zhang Manyue.

"Third grandma, I'll talk to the second uncle for a while." Shen Yuzhu said softly.

Zhang Manyue hesitated, then left, leaving Shen Yuzhu and his second uncle alone.

Tang Xiaonan's heart was in his throat, what does this poisonous snake want to do?

"Second Uncle Tang, I know where your wife is." Shen Yuzhu said softly.

"Where is Alan, tell me quickly, where is she?" The second uncle asked eagerly, looking a little more awake.

"But you have to tell me the recipe for Beauty Drunk. The person who kept the second aunt said that there must be a recipe for Beauty Drunk in exchange for the second aunt. That's what I came here for."

Tang Xiaonan suddenly realized that this scene was just before the second uncle's death, when Shen Yuzhu came to the door, just a few days after meeting this time, the second uncle became mad and ran out alone and fell into the pond and drowned. It took several days to surface, Zhang Manyue was stimulated, and went away not long after.

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However, Shen Yuzhu was proud of the spring breeze, purchased the Meiren Zui Distillery, and successfully brewed the original Meiren Zui shochu, which was sold at home and abroad, earning both fame and fortune.

This poisonous snake really came for the recipe, but the second uncle is already crazy, how did she ask?

Hearing the recipe, the second uncle became calm, tilted his head and thought for a long time before saying, "I don't remember... Where is Alan?"

"Second uncle, think about it again, with the recipe, you can meet the second aunt, and the second aunt is still waiting for you!" Shen Yuzhu said seductively.

The second uncle became excited and danced and said, "I know the recipe, I'll write it to you..."

Shen Yuzhu immediately took out a pen and paper from the bag and asked the second uncle to write it out. Tang Xiaonan saw the disposable syringe in the open bag and was a little puzzled. What is this woman doing with the syringe with her, is she sucking D?

Or have diabetes?

But the book does not mention these, it should be unlikely.

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