Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1173: new friend

Chai Yuxiang felt much more at ease. Fortunately, not all classmates were so annoying, there were some good ones.

Pi Xia said again, "Volleyball is a kind of sporting goods, you know basketball, right?"

Chai Yuxiang nodded, "My school used to have basketball, just like dumplings, just put the ball in."


Someone couldn't help laughing, but Chai Yuxiang glared at her, what's so funny, she seemed to be eating dumplings while playing basketball.

Pi Xia smiled and said, "That's right, it's the same as dumplings, but the rules of volleyball are different. Well, I'm telling you now that you don't understand either. Next time I take you to watch a game, it'll be clear. You're tall, Not much explosiveness, very suitable for volleyball.”

Chai Yuxiang blushed even more, because she was ashamed, or it was the first time she was praised by a boy.

"What kind of worms do chickens like to eat? What kind of holes do eels like to drill?" Someone asked curiously. He was a short and chubby male classmate. Judging from the fat on his body, nine out of ten he was a foodie.

The fat boy introduced himself again: "My name is Hugege. I like to eat eel, loach, and of course chicken."

"Why don't you like meat animals?" Pi Xia joked with a smile.

Huo Gehe laughed, "The one who knows me is Pixia."

It seems that these two are good friends.

"Chickens like to eat earthworms, and they also like to eat grasshoppers. The eggs that are laid with more insects are more delicious. I can't say anything about the eel's hole. I have to see it before I know. If you go to my hometown next time, I will take you to catch the eel. , you can catch half a barrel in one night."

When talking about interesting things in the countryside, Chai Yuxiang became elated, Pi Xia and the others listened with great interest, and several other male classmates also gathered around.

"Why don't you go to your hometown to play in Qiuyou, and the squad leader will organize it." Someone shouted, wishing to catch the eel now.

Li Weihong is not interested in this, he prefers to stay at home and read, but he is a responsible and good monitor, so he said very seriously: "The autumn tour location will be discussed and decided during the class meeting, and we can't talk about it."

"Forget it, the result of the discussion is definitely going to the park, it's boring." Several male classmates gave up hope.

"Let's go by ourselves, we'll go play by car on weekends, classmate Chai Yuxiang, can I go to your house to play?" Hu Gege made an idea, but he had to ask the owner's opinion first.

Just as Chai Yuxiang was about to agree, she suddenly hesitated. Mopanshan is not her hometown. If she brought a lot of people to play, her grandmother might get angry. manage.

"Of course you can, let me know in advance when you want to go, and I'll call home to prepare." Tang Xiaonan readily agreed.

Chai Yuxiang breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily her cousin agreed.

Hu Gege and the others were all very interested. One said they would go this weekend, and the other said that the discussion would not end until the weather was cooler and the bell rang.

Yu Duoduo is still the same, and treats Tang Xiaonan with cold eyes.

On the first day, there was no class. Teacher Xia said something to calm everyone's hearts, so he arranged a clean-up for the whole class, and school was dismissed when he was done.

There are so many people and great strength, the hygiene is done in less than an hour, the windows are bright and clean, and the floor is clean. Tang Xiaonan noticed that Yu Duoduo did not work the whole time, it was the tall girl who was doing it, and the two of them were assigned to wipe Glass, Yu Duoduo didn't even get his hands wet.


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