Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1174: My sister is a flower in the village

After cleaning up, everyone went back to their respective houses. Huo Jinzhi said that she should wait for school together and go to Yu Ziyang's house for dinner in the evening, but now the high school is closed, and the elementary school is early.

Tang Xiaonan went to the high school, and she didn't know which class Huo Jinzhi was in. She only knew that she was in the second year of high school, but she found her third brother first. Tang Aijun was in the first year of high school, and a few male classmates were talking in the corridor when she saw her sister. Immediately left his classmates and ran over.

"Xiao Nan, did any of your new classmates bully you?"

What Tang Aijun is most worried about is that his sister is being bullied.

"No, the new classmates are all very good, third brother, we're after school, I'll go home with my cousin first, please tell Brother Huo."

"Be careful on the way, or don't come back. You can play at school and come back after school."

Tang Aijun is still worried, her sister is so pretty, what if she encounters a bad person?

What if the kidnapper is kidnapped?

"My cousin and I are together, let's go!"

Tang Xiaonan waved her hand and stopped talking nonsense with her third brother. She ran all the way downstairs, her red dress fluttered into a red cloud, and there were two braids of sheep's horns, which were tossed and tossed.

"Tang Aijun, why doesn't your sister look like you? She's much prettier than you."

"How old is your sister? Does she also go to school here?"

"Is it your own sister?"

A few male classmates were full of curiosity. No matter how they looked at them, they felt that the siblings didn't look like they were born to the same mother. One was a wild school with five big and three rough, and the other was a sweet, beautiful and cute style. They were completely two styles of painting!

"Go, go, it's my own sister, born by a mother, my sister is beautiful since she was a child, a flower in the village knows no, but she is the smartest in the village, just your brain cells, add up to my sister's Smart."

Tang Aijun was so excited, his sister was the best in the world, no one could compare.

"Xingxingxing, your sister is smarter than Zhuge Liang."

The friendship between the male classmates has been established very quickly. Although they have only known each other for a day, Tang Aijun already has new friends. He boasted about his great achievements in Mopanshan with them, and gained several iron powders. He also said that he would follow Tang Aijun to Mopanshan. Get acquainted.

On the way home, Chai Yuxiang and Tang Xiaonan complained, "That woman is so fake, and she's so fake when she laughs, just like Shen Yuzhu, but it's annoying."

She was talking about the new roommate, the tall girl.

Tang Xiaonan actually didn't have a good feeling for this girl, maybe because of Shen Yuzhu, she didn't have much affection for this kind of gentle, amiable and understanding girl, and she was even wary.

Maybe some girls are really gentle and kind, but Tang Xiaonan still doesn't dare to take it lightly. After a long time, he will know whether it is true or false, and he must be careful when they meet for the first time.

"Just don't play with her." Tang Xiaonan said.

"She always talks to me and asks questions." Chai Yuxiang frowned, looking really annoyed that girl.

"What did she ask you?"

"I'm just concerned about whether you can keep up with your studies. You say that you need to learn English here. It's hard to keep up without a foundation. If I don't understand, I ask her. It's funny. I don't know why to ask her. Xiao Nan, you are better than her. Much better."

Chai Yuxiang added, "She also said that Yu Duoduo didn't do it on purpose, let's not be angry, she apologized for Yu Duoduo, and said that they will be good friends in the future, and they want to love each other. I want to punch!"

"Xiao Nan, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about that Yu Duoduo, you are so much taller than her."

Chai Yuxiang realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly added a sentence, even comparing her fingers, it was a negligible length.

Tang Xiaonan twitched the corners of her mouth. In fact, she didn't think much about it at all, but when her cousin said this, she really thought about it.


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