Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1177: Crooked granddaughter

As for that Liu Shanxing, Tang Xiaonan felt more and more that this girl was not simple, her mind was too deep, and she coaxed the Yu family into a circle.

I just don't know what the relationship between Liu Shanxing and the Yu family is. It doesn't look like a relative, but it's not an ordinary relationship.

Yu Ziyang's easy-going face became ugly, and so did Mrs. Yu. The couple felt that they had lost face in front of the guests, and Tang Xiaonan was facing each other, which made their granddaughter even more ignorant.

"Yu Duoduo, get up for me!"

Yu Ziyang roared, his face was ashen, it could be seen that he was really angry.

"I'm going to call my grandma and ask her to pick me up. I'm going home... This is not my home..."

Yu Duoduo was crying and going to make a phone call. Tears were all over her face. She looked really sad, but she was also really ignorant.

Tang Aijun couldn't stand it any longer. He wanted to say a few words, but was stopped by Tang Xiaonan's eyes. It's best not to talk too much about other people's housework.

No matter how ignorant or cute Yu Duoduo is, she is also Yu Ziyang's own granddaughter, a family. The couple can reprimand them, but outsiders can't interfere, let alone say Yu Duoduo is bad.

Tang Aijun pouted, feeling more and more that his sister would be the best in the world. She is beautiful, sensible, and smart. There is no one who can compare, and this Yu Duoduo is not even worthy of pouring water on his sister's feet.

"Don't make trouble, Duoduo, go upstairs with grandma."

Mrs. Yu persuaded her well, and even went to pull her granddaughter, but Yu Duoduo was very temperamental and threw it hard. Mrs. Yu lost her footing and almost fell, but fortunately Huo Jinzhi supported her.

Yu Ziyang became even more angry, his face turned into a pig's liver color, he dragged his granddaughter with one hand, and was about to use brute force to get this ignorant girl upstairs to be locked up, which was too embarrassing.

"I don't want to go to the little black house, don't go... I want to go back to my grandma... If you don't like me, my grandma and grandpa love me... don't go... let me go... "

Yu Duoduo couldn't stop struggling. She was afraid of being locked up. There was a witch in that dark little house. She was terrified by being locked in last time, and now she has nightmares.

Tang Xiaonan twitched the corners of her mouth, she never expected to come to have a meal, but to encounter such an embarrassing thing, Yu Duoduo was just spoiled and never accepted the beatings of the society, just hit the wall a few more times.

"Duoduo, I'll go up with you, we won't be afraid together." Liu Shanxing said softly.

"No, who asked you to accompany you as a bumpkin!" Yu Duoduo turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, and became angry that he didn't recognize his six relatives.

Liu Shanxing smiled embarrassedly, and was still a little hurt. She glanced at Yu Ziyang and his wife aggrieved, but then she looked as if nothing had happened, but in the eyes of Yu Ziyang and her husband, it was the child who suffered great grievances and was sensible. It shows that it is much more reasonable than their granddaughter.

Yu Ziyang was even more annoyed. His granddaughter was not only inferior to Tang Xiaonan, but also to Liu Shanxing. How could he have such an unsatisfactory granddaughter, it was a shame for him.

"Give me up!"

Yu Ziyang, who was extremely annoyed, used all his strength to drag Yu Duoduo upstairs, ignoring the girl's heart-wrenching cry, and was locked in the confinement room.

"Grazing out... I'm afraid... Grandma will come to save me... Mom and Dad... Come and save me, Duoduo is going to die..."

The sound insulation of the house is not very good. On the first floor, Yu Duoduo's miserable screams can be clearly heard. Tang Xiaonan wants to laugh inexplicably. This girl is really not smart, and she is not too young. I'm old, I don't have a brain at all.



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