Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1178: Liu Shanxing is more and more sensible and considerate

Tang Xiaonan was supposed to be in the fourth grade, but Chai Yuxiang was twelve years old. She seemed too old to go to the fourth grade in a big city, so she was inserted into the fifth grade, and Tang Xiaonan naturally joined her.

For her, fifth grade and sixth grade are the same, even if she goes straight to high school.

Therefore, Yu Duoduo is at least eleven or twelve years old, and the Yu family has undergone a major change. It is said that this girl should be more sensible than children of the same age, but now it seems that it is Yu Duoduo's grandmother who has protected her too well. The whole thing is stupid.

Yu Ziyang's face was as black as ink, and his face was lost. His students were all over the world, no matter how difficult they were, he could teach them well, but he was powerless to his granddaughter.

But he also blamed him. In those years, he and his wife were separated from each other. They were too busy to take care of themselves, and their children were not around. Yu Duoduo's father was his second son. In those days, the second son and his wife were sent to the Northwest Farm. Yu Duoduo was just born. He stayed in Songcheng and let his grandmother take care of him.

When the couple returned to Songcheng, Yu Duoduo was already seven or eight years old. The first time they met, Yu Ziyang found out that there was something wrong with the upbringing of this granddaughter. I love my granddaughter, but I don't know how to teach her the rules.

Yu Ziyang and his wife took their granddaughter to take care of them. The second husband and wife are still working in the northwest and will not be able to come back for a while. This granddaughter really gave them a headache. Fortunately, there was Liu Shanxing who helped persuade them, otherwise the family would not be able to come back. peace.

"Grandpa, let me accompany Duoduo." Liu Shanxing took the initiative to request.

"Don't worry about her, let's see how long she can make trouble." Yu Ziyang said angrily.

"Grandpa, Duoduo's throat is not good. If you shout like this, you will get sick. I'll go and accompany her. You accompany the guests to dinner."

Liu Shanxing didn't wait for Yu Ziyang's reply, and went upstairs by herself. After a few minutes, Yu Duoduo became quiet. Yu Ziyang and his wife breathed a sigh of relief, but they liked Liu Shanxing more in their hearts.

This child is generous, considerate and sensible. He doesn't care when he is wronged. He always gives in to his ignorant granddaughter. Alas, if the granddaughter is half as sensible as Liu Shanxing, they will be comforted.

"Let's eat, I'll make you laugh." Yu Ziyang forced a smile.

Mrs. Yu went to the kitchen to pick up the dishes. Tang Xiaonan and Chai Yuxiang both went in to help. The dinner was well prepared, including chicken, duck, and fish. Mrs. Yu took two more bowls and took some dishes.

"I'll give Shan Xing and Duoduo some food, you eat first!"

Mrs. Yu's voice is very gentle, and her personality is also the same, gentle like water, but her temperament is too soft, but Yu Ziyang is not particularly decisive. less loss.

The meal was very quiet. The host was in a bad mood, and the guests didn't want to eat it. Even Tang Aijun, who was the most talkative, didn't say a word. Huo Jinzhi said a few polite words, and everyone left after eating a little.

"The reception was poor today, so I'll eat again next time."

Yu Ziyang was very sorry. He originally wanted to entertain these children, but his granddaughter spoiled him, alas.

"I'm very full, next time we'll eat Grandma Yu's braised pork again." Huo Jinzhi said politely.

"Okay, next time you make an appointment, be careful on the road." Yu Ziyang was in a better mood and took them to the door.

After leaving the alley, Tang Aijun couldn't help but complain, "Grandpa Yu is so pitiful, neither of the two granddaughters is good."

At the end, he said again, "My little girl is better, ten thousand times stronger than them."



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