Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1179: Kam **** master 3 brother

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help laughing. Her three brothers' eyes were all 10,000,000-folded filters. My sister was very good, but she was actually so good. She was too small.

Chai Yuxiang nodded vigorously, "No, Xiao Nan is much better than them."

She said to herself again: "It's strange, why don't Grandpa Yu's two granddaughters have the same surname, one is Yu and the other is Liu, is it the same as his mother's surname?"

"It should be my mother's surname." Tang Aijun nodded in agreement, and added, "Liu Shanxing is annoying, Xiao Nan, don't play with her, and Yuxiang, too."

Tang Xiaonan was a little surprised. A girl like Liu Shanxing should be very popular with boys. She is beautiful, gentle, considerate, and considerate. Not only boys like it, but girls are also willing to make friends with such a person. Her third brother only met once. How did you find out the real face of this girl?

"Why do you think Liu Shanxing is annoying? Isn't she quite sensible." Huo Jinzhi also felt strange.

Tang Aijun snorted, "It's fake, don't try to hide the fox's tail from my eyes. Liu Shanxing, like Shen Yuzhu, faked death when she laughed, it's definitely not a good thing."

Tang Xiaonan laughed dumbly. So what, Shen Yuzhu still has a role to play, at least she made her third brother become a master of bitch, she doesn't have to worry about the third brother being deceived by Bailian **** in the future.

But where did Shen Yuzhu go?

Tang Xiaonan is very sure that this poisonous snake is still alive, and reserves the power to take revenge. The enemy is in the dark, and she is in the light.

Liu Shanxing and Shen Yuzhu are indeed very similar, but I wonder if this girl is so cruel.

In the next few days, Tang Xiaonan went to school step by step every day. The knowledge of primary school was very simple. She was also a book in her previous life. quite pleasant.

There is also Liu Shanxing who always comes to her to check her presence. She looks like a big sister who is close to her and asks for help, which makes Tang Xiaonan very uncomfortable, and she can hear that Liu Shanxing is inquiring about Huo Jinzhi's family background, intentionally or unintentionally. .

"Xiao Nan, was it your brother who came to dinner last time?"

After class, Liu Shanxing came to chat with Tang Xiaonan again. She asked Chai Yuxiang first, but Chai Yuxiang didn't care about her.


Tang Xiaonan nodded, Huo Jinzhi was also called her brother.

Liu Shanxing's eyes lit up, and the figure of Huo Jinzhi's handsome man appeared in his mind. As for Tang Aijun, she had long ignored it, and only remembered Huo Jinzhi.

And Huo Jinzhi's shiny watch on his wrist.

She knew this watch. It seemed to be called a Rolex. It was a foreign brand. Yu Ziyang also had one.

Liu Shanxing was very conflicted, sour and happy. The sour thing was that Tang Xiaonan's family was actually so good, and her brother could afford to wear a famous brand watch. She originally thought that everyone from the countryside was very poor, but it turned out that only she was poor, and everyone else was poor. richer than her.

But she is also very happy, Huo Jinzhi is so good and good-looking, if she can be with Huo Jinzhi...

Liu Shanxing blushed, her heart was like a deer, shy and longing.

Tang Xiaonan looked strange, what did this girl mean by doing this, it was inexplicable.

"Xiao Nan, does your brother also go to school here? How old is he in high school?" Liu Shanxing asked again.

"Which brother are you asking?"

Liu Shanxing's face turned red again. She was embarrassed to say Huo Jinzhi, so she said, "Aren't your two brothers going to school together?"



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