Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1233: Father and daughter love

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"Dad...why did you come to me now...you don't know how much I miss you..." Meng Liyan burst into tears.

But she was very happy in her heart. It turned out that her father was so personable, and he was the boss of the company, not the incompetent father, no, that she should be called grandpa.

She envy others for having a good father countless times, and now she finally got her wish.

"Hey... it's my father's fault, but my father just found out about you, and your mother didn't tell me..."

Meng Liyan suddenly felt hatred in her heart. She hated her mother, her grandmother, and her dead grandfather.

She was obviously a princess from a noble family, but they insisted on keeping her in the mud. She had been ridiculed and ridiculed since she was a child. Fortunately, her father found her, otherwise she would have kept her secret for the rest of her life!

"Li Yan, do you want to live with your father, or stay at the Meng family?"

"It's my fault that I haven't done my filial piety by my father's side for 20 years. I want to take good care of my father." Huo Xiu was moved by Meng Liyan's sincere words.

It really is a sweet little padded jacket, a hundred times stronger than that stinky boy.

"It's my good daughter, but your mother and your grandmother may not agree."

"Don't worry, Dad, my legs are on me, I can go wherever I want." Meng Liyan has made up her mind.

She doesn't want to live in that home anymore.

The grumpy and rude grandmother and the sloppy mother all made her unable to hold her head up. Fortunately, her father was more aggressive and would not make her lose face.

Huo Xiu's eyes are very proud, good birds choose wood to live in, this daughter is too suitable for his temperament, hmph, that old woman actually opened her mouth like a lion, even if he had so much money, he would not take it out.

Li Yan was originally his daughter, the young lady of the Huo family. It was only natural for her to recognize her ancestors and return to her ancestry, but the old woman actually wanted to rip off her, a greedy old thing!

"But your grandmother doesn't agree, sigh, Dad doesn't want you to have too much trouble with the family. After all, he raised you." Huo Xiu sighed and sighed.

"I won't make trouble with them. Even if I live with my father, I will honor my grandmother and mother."

Meng Liyan's expression is gentle and sincere and filial.

"This is my good daughter. Dad will go home first. You can take the money to buy beautiful clothes and shoes. The lady of my Huo family must be beautiful and decent. If the money is not enough, Dad will give it to you."

Huo Xiu took out a pile of money, all of which were ten dollars a piece, about three or four hundred dollars. He was still generous to his daughter.

Meng Liyan's eyes were sore~www.readwn.com~ Suddenly she wanted to cry.

Ever since she was a child, she has never had more than one dollar on her. Even if she has living expenses when she is admitted to the university, she cannot spend it all. She has to hand over ten yuan to her grandmother every month, otherwise she will go to her school to make trouble. Dare not to follow.

"Thank you dad."

This time, Meng Liyan sincerely recognized Huo Xiu and took the money. Tomorrow is the weekend. She is going to the department store to buy clothes. Last time, she took a fancy to a pink down jacket. After reading it several times, I finally bought it this time.

"Silly boy, why don't you be polite to your father, go back quickly, it's cold outside, don't quarrel with your mother!"

"Well, bye Daddy!"

Huo Jinzhi sneered in the dark. He was a kind father and a daughter.

The next day, Huo Xiu found the company, and Huo Jinzhi would handle things at the company on weekends.

"Let's have dinner together tonight, I'll treat you and introduce you to someone." Huo Xiu said straight to the point.

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