Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1234: Think about the family tree

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"Client?" Huo Jinzhi asked deliberately.

"No, it's a very important person, you'll know when you go."

Huo Xiugan laughed a few times, but didn't dare to tell the truth now, after all, it wasn't a glorious thing.

That's what he thought. His daughter is gentle and generous, everyone loves her, and she has blood ties with this stinky boy. Maybe she will accept it after seeing her, just like he fell in love with her daughter at the first sight.

"Isn't it because you created an illegitimate child outside?" Huo Jinzhi mocked.

"How could... hehe... Drunk incense building at night."

Huo Xiu was very guilty and did not dare to look directly at his son.

If it wasn't for the approval of this stinky boy, he would not have told the renegade son and would have taken his daughter directly to the genealogy.

But whoever let this evil son coax the people of the clan into a circle, everyone listens to the evil son's words, and his words are only farts.

Although the Huo family is not an aristocratic family, it is not a small family. Of course, not all of the Huo clan are in Songcheng, most of them are in the hometown of Ningcheng, and the family tree is also in charge of repairing the family tree.

In the past, his father would send a sum of money to his hometown every year. One was to maintain the ancestral hall, the other was to subsidize the school in the family, and the third was to help the poor family members.

This is a rule that the Huo clan has passed down for hundreds of years. Prosperous clansmen must not forget their roots and roots. They must help take care of the clansmen. Moreover, if the clansmen outside have children, they must also inform their hometown so that they can go to the family tree.

In the past, the most promising of the Huo family was his family. They made a lot of money every year, and they also went back to their hometown to worship their ancestors. However, those years were not peaceful. Did not go back.

If he hadn't recognized his daughter this time, he would never have thought of the family members in his hometown. He went back a few days ago and found several respected elders in the family, and wanted to give his daughter a genealogy.

But who knows, the elders said that they must seek the consent of Nizi, otherwise they will not give a family tree to a nameless woman.

Huo Xiu found out after inquiring later that this villain had such a deep scheming. He got in touch with the old family three years ago, and he sent a sum of money back every year to help many poor clansmen. Now these clansmen only listen to Nizi's words didn't take him seriously.

If you don't go to the family tree, you can't correct your daughter's name. This is the rule of the Huo family.

Only by being on the genealogy can she be considered famous, otherwise Meng Liyan will always be the daughter born in the outer room, and she will not be able to get on the stage.

Huo Xiu still has some kind of fatherly heart for the daughter he just recognized, and he does not hesitate to beg Huo Jinzhi.

It was getting late, Huo Jinzhi finished his official business and planned to go to meet Meng Liyan for a while. The genealogy would definitely not be available, but he would give this woman some hope.

Zuixianglou is not far from the company, Huo Jinzhi is just a few steps away.

Meng Liyan was very uneasy in the box~www.readwn.com~ She didn't know if her younger brother who had never met would like her. She hoped to get along with her younger brother and be filial to her father together.

"Your brother... he has a colder temperament and doesn't speak very pleasantly. Of course, it's not aimed at you. The same is true of that kid talking to me. You just treat him as farting."

Huo Xiu was vaccinated in advance, fearing that his daughter would be frightened by the rebel.

Meng Liyan smiled softly, "I'm my elder sister, I'll let him."

"You're still smart."

Huo Xiu was very relieved, it really is her daughter who is more caring, she should have recognized it long ago~www.readwn.com~Get cash] Follow vx public.Public account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.readwn.com~ You can also get cash!

The door was pushed open and Huo Jinzhi walked in. Meng Liyan had already organized a lot of warm words in her mind, but as soon as she raised her head, the smile on her face froze and she was shocked.

How could it be him?

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