Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1243: I've been blind for months

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"Will the little **** speak human words, I will kill you!"

Tang Laijin slapped him in the past, especially his own nephew, it would be strange if he didn't kill someone else.

Who else could his daughter look like if he wasn't like him?

Besides, why is he not good-looking, he is handsome and handsome, and he is blind!

"It was grandma who said that Ailing doesn't look like auntie, the older she is, the more she looks like you, and she looks good like auntie. In the future, the threshold will definitely be broken, you hit grandma, really~www.readwn.com ~Receive cash] Follow vx public.public account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.readwn.com~ You can also receive cash!

Tang Aijun snarled and roared, what he said was the original words of the grandmother, why did he beat him, he was sick!

When Tang Laijin heard that it was the old lady, he had to put down the slap and stared at him fiercely, his heart was full of disgust, and his old lady was also true. Before marriage, he always praised him for his good looks, but now he dislikes it again.

Yang Lijuan was so amused that she burst into tears, and her worries about her nephew were lessened, but it was getting late and Zhao Huan still didn't come back, so she was anxious again.

"I'm going out looking for it."

Tang Laijin put on his clothes again, and felt that something was wrong. Zhao Huan was a measured child. He had never stayed home so late.

However, he had just left the yard when Zhao Huan pushed the door and came in with a frustrated look on his face.

"I'm back, I haven't eaten yet, come in and eat."

When Tang Laijin saw this, he knew that it was not very good, and he didn't ask any more questions. He pretended that nothing was happening and greeted the child to enter the house.

"Huanhuan, where have you been? Where's Xiao Meng?"

Yang Lijuan kept asking, and touched her nephew's hand, which was frozen like an ice cube, and her face was flushed red.

"Go wash your face with hot water, and I'll cook **** water for you."

"Little aunt, I'm going to cook."

Chai Yuxiang rushed to cook. Her aunt was pregnant, so she had to do more work. Twelve-year-old Chai Yuxiang could do it better than many adults, and she was very good at doing laundry and cooking.

Soon, Chai Yuxiang came out with a big bowl of **** brown sugar water, steaming hot, Zhao Huan felt hot after drinking it, and the heat made his eyes red.

He blew the north wind in the park all night, and he didn't feel cold. His heart was colder than the north wind. He couldn't understand why he and Meng Liyan were nothing in these months?

What is he?

He wanted to ask clearly, but he was thin-skinned and couldn't do anything to force others. He could only hold back himself. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. His grievance deepened, and he couldn't help sobbing.

"Who bullied you? Tell your cousin now."

Yang Lijuan patted him on the back lightly, knowing in her heart that it had something to do with Meng Liyan, and she also had an opinion on this girl, so let's make a fuss.

She has to tell her cousin that the marriage should be slow, and then observe and observe, but she can't marry a daughter-in-law who likes to make trouble.

"She... She said that I was just a good friend, that she was going to study hard, and that she would have less contact in the future, but I didn't think of her as a good friend... I thought she knew it all, but she also said she didn't promise me anything... Cousin... am I being too self-indulgent?"

The more Zhao Huan said, the more aggrieved, the tears were flowing, and he felt embarrassed, covered his face, and felt like a knife twisted in his heart.

He thought he was dealing with him for the past few months, but Meng Liyan said that they were just good friends. It was true that Meng Liyan had not promised him anything, but could this deny the feelings he had given in the past few months?

If you don't like him, why are you still so good with him?

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