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Zhao Huan couldn't understand, and felt even more wronged. The more he cried, the more uncomfortable it became. Moreover, it was a suppressed cry, and the people around him felt uncomfortable.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, which really made the boss say it. She didn't feel bad for a truck of Coke, but it was not worth it for Zhao Huan.

A fluffy good friend just wants to deny the feelings paid by a simple boy?

Hmph, what a scumbag!

She knew why Meng Liyan proposed to break up, but she just felt that she had climbed up with a rich father, who was the eldest young lady, so she looked down on Zhao Huan, who was of ordinary family background.

This also shows that Meng Liyan's eyelids are too shallow. Although Zhao Huan's family background is average, it is not bad. His father is a cadre of the Railway Bureau, and his mother is a restaurant owner, so the money is definitely not bad, and Zhao Huan is a top student of Jiaotong University. I studied architecture again, and I have a bright future.

In the words of later generations, Zhao Huan is a potential stock, and the girl most willing to marry, Meng Liyan will definitely regret it in the future.

"Xiao Meng said that? She broke up with you?" Yang Lijuan asked in anger.

"It's not breaking up, she... She said we were just good friends."

Zhao Huan's mood eased a little, Chai Yuxiang handed over a hot towel, Zhao Huan thanked him, wiped his face, and his mood became calmer.

"Bah, I need to entertain her a good friend over and over again, and a good friend still comes to my house all day long? I even gave her several clothes, and they are not cheap. She didn't say that she is not your target, no, I have to find her. She asked!"

Yang Lijuan was so angry that she ignored several clothes, but Meng Liyan teased her nephew's feelings.

"Cousin, don't go."

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Zhao Huan begged, he felt embarrassed and didn't want to make trouble anymore.

It's mainly because he still has feelings for Meng Liyan and doesn't want to make trouble too ugly, maybe it's because he's not good enough.

"If you don't go, how can you do it, you will suffer in vain? Leave it alone, I must ask clearly!" Yang Lijuan was furious.

Tang Laijin held her down and asked Zhao Huan, "Have you ever kissed that girl?"

Zhao Huan's face was as red as a monkey's butt, his eyes were erratic, and he was embarrassed to answer.

Tang Xiaonan hurriedly pulled one by one hand and dragged her cousin and third brother upstairs. In fact, she was hiding at the entrance of the stairs to eavesdrop. She was also curious about whether Zhao Huan and Meng Liyan had been intimate. If so, Meng Liyan was even more scumbag. .

"Xiao Nan and the others are gone, tell me the truth, how far are you and that Meng Liyan?" Tang Laijin asked again.


Zhao Huan was still embarrassed, unable to say anything.

Tang Laijin was impatient and asked directly, "Have you kissed?"

"No...no kiss."

"Where are you kissing?"

"Face...cheek~www.readwn.com~ just one click."

"Did she hide?"


Tang Laijin nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, leave this matter alone and leave it to your aunt to handle it. Don't worry, we will definitely not embarrass the girl. We are reasonable, just ask her why, and we can't break up for no reason. The reason has to be made clear.”


Zhao Huan nodded, he also wanted to know the reason.

Whether he is not good enough, or Meng Liyan has another object, no matter what the reason is, he feels better.

"Let's eat first, even if the sky falls, you have to eat first. Your cousin has been worried all night, and the meal is not good." Tang Laijin laughed.

Zhao Huan was even more ashamed, and murmured, "Yes... I'm sorry, auntie."

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