Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1246: 1 Truck of Sadness

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"What's not a sister?" Yang Lijuan stopped, not understanding.

"Meng Liyan is Aunt Meng's daughter, raised as a younger sister."

"Daughter? Who did you listen to? Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

Yang Lijuan's eyes widened, she didn't believe it too much. Although there was often such a statement in the alley, everyone had no evidence, so it was just a joke.

She thought that Chai Yuxiang was listening to the nonsense of the neighbors in the alley, so she said, "Don't say such things outside."

"I didn't talk nonsense, and Meng Liyan is also Huo Jinzhi's sister. Last time she talked to Huo Jinzhi's father, we all heard it, and both father and daughter recognized each other."

Chai Yuxiang said something earth-shattering again, Yang Lijuan and his wife were a little stunned by the bombing, and they would not be able to recover for a while.

Tang Laijin patted his forehead, trying to clear his mind.

Huo Jinzhi and Meng Liyan are siblings, Meng Lina and Huo Xiu are concubines, and the Meng Lina sisters are actually mother and daughter.

It took a long time for Tang Laijin to sort it out, and his expression became strange.

"Does Xiao Huo know about this?"

"Brother Huo has known for a long time." Tang Xiaonan nodded.

Tang Laijin's expression became even weirder, "You guys also knew it a long time ago?"

The co-authors all know about these little bastards, but he and his wife don't?

It's the other way around!

"I thought the third brother would say it." Tang Xiaonan quickly cleared the relationship~www.readwn.com~Welfare] Send you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to get it!

"I thought the third cousin would say it." Chai Yuxiang followed suit.

Tang Aijun was dumbfounded... What are you talking about?

Why can't he understand?

Tang Laijin knocked at him, "Stinky boy, you are hiding such a big thing, you are fat!"

"I don't know what's going on, what did you say?"

Tang Ai roared at the arms and played him inexplicably, thinking he was a wooden man!

"Meng Liyan and Huo Jinzhi are siblings, why didn't you tell me?" Tang Laijin also roared, spit on his nephew's face.

"What's there to say about such a nonsense, Huo Jinzhi doesn't even recognize that woman!"

Tang Aijun rolled his eyes and rubbed the back of his head. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He shouted again, "Why do you care about other people's private affairs? Just like the old ladies!"

Tang Laijin jumped three feet high, raised his feather duster and started pumping, and his uncle and nephew played a game of chasing after me in the living room.

"Nothing big or small, I'm your uncle!"

"You're not my father!"

"You stop for me!"

"Don't stand, think I'm stupid!"

Tang Laijin, who had gained a lot of weight, was out of breath after running for a few laps, but Tang Aijun did not change his face.

Yang Lijuan was too lazy to take care of these two fools, and asked Tang Xiaonan a lot of things, and finally figured out all this mess and understood why Meng Liyan broke up.

"Sure enough, I climbed up a high branch, and I don't look down on our family, hum!"

Yang Lijuan sneered, suddenly no longer angry. This kind of woman with shallow eyes will have a good morning, and it is not safe to marry her~www.readwn.com~ But she will definitely get her nephew's justice back.

"You really don't recognize Brother Huo?" Yang Lijuan wanted to confirm.

She didn't want to offend Huo Jinzhi. If Huo Jinzhi wanted to admit his relatives, she would seek justice gently. If Huo Jinzhi didn't want to admit, don't blame her for being ruthless.

"No, brother Huo also said that the woman would break up with brother Zhao Huan sooner or later."

Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth and finally felt a little sadness.

A truckload of Cokes!


Yang Lijuan was relieved then, and said to Tang Laijin, "Go, go to Meng's house."

"Meng Liyan is not at home, so it is useless to go, wait until she returns." Tang Laijin had another idea.

Emotional matters must be made clear in front of the parties, otherwise the effect may be poor!

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