Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1247: study hard, improve every day

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Zhao Huan's mood recovered quite well, and he couldn't see anything different the next day. In the morning, he drank a large bowl of Laba porridge and a bowl of soup dumplings.

"Don't look for Meng Liyan when you go back. You are still young, and your main task is to study. There are many good girls. My cousin will find you a better one in the future. A vain person like Meng Liyan is not worthy of you." Yang Lijuan advised road.

"Does she have a better partner?"

Zhao Huan is very smart, and he understands as soon as he hears it.

"No, they recognize the rich father."

Yang Lijuan didn't hide it from him, and told the whole story of Meng Liyan's family. Zhao Huan's expression became more and more strange, and his mouth was open enough to swallow a goose egg.

How is this gibberish?

My elder sister became a mother, my younger sister became a daughter, and she became involved with Huo Jinzhi. Is the world really so small?

"This family is not a mother, a girl is not a girl, and the relationship is in a mess. We don't associate with such people. In the future, my aunt will find a girl with a clean net worth."

Zhao Huan blushed and shook his head shyly, "I want to study with peace of mind, the teacher asked me to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and I also want to take the test myself."

"That's right, my aunt supports you in the postgraduate entrance examination, and we will take the doctoral examination." Yang Lijuan is very pleased.


Zhao Huan nodded, he also planned to do so, and he wanted to take the public-funded study abroad index. The teacher said that his grades were no problem, and his major also needed to broaden his horizons and go outside to see more.

He has now figured it out, and although he is still a little uncomfortable, he will no longer go to the horns.

In the end, it is still not too deeply invested in the relationship, and it is easy to come out, but Zhao Huan has gone through this shallow emotional injury, and is determined to study hard and improve every day.

It was a blessing in disguise.

After breakfast, Zhao Huan went back to school.

Two days later, it was the weekend again, Chai Yuxiang came back to tip off, "Aunt, that woman is home."

Yang Lijuan was instantly refreshed, and dragged Tang Laijin, who was lying on the sofa watching TV, "Go, go to Meng's house!"

The couple went out in high spirits, as if they were going to the station. Tang Xiaonan and Chai Yuxiang followed. It must be exciting, but you can't miss a good show.

Tang Aijun was not at home. He and his classmates went to see the B team for training and would not be able to come back until evening.

I met a few neighbors on the way. Seeing Yang Lijuan and his wife walking towards the Meng family together, they asked jokingly, "Is there a wedding bar after graduation? I didn't expect your nephew and the Meng family girl to be together."

"These young couples are talented and beautiful, and they are both college students, so they are a perfect match!"

Neighbors all know about this, and they are optimistic about it, and they also say that they are going to have a wedding wine when the wine is arranged. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Yang Lijuan smiled sarcastically, and said yin and yang strangely: "My family can't climb high, and other girls have high vision and high requirements, so they don't look down on my nephew!"

"How is that possible? I saw your nephew and Meng Liyan chatting and laughing hand in hand the other day!"

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"I saw it too, the two were very close."

"Don't you think your family looks down on the Meng family?"

The neighbors didn't believe it, and thought it was Yang Lijuan who disliked Meng Liyan. After all, the situation of the Meng family was there. With such a sister, her reputation was indeed a bit ugly.

Yang Lijuan shouted that she was wronged, "The conscience of heaven and earth, I treat Xiao Meng as my own daughter, and I gave her five or six bodies without clothes."

"It's no wonder that Meng Liyan is always changing into new clothes recently, and they are not cheap. Dare you gave it away, but what's the matter with this good thing?" The neighbors were even more confused.

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