Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1248: White-eyed wolf

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Yang Lijuan sneered, "Isn't it because I despise my nephew, they have climbed the high branch."

She didn't say anything about Meng Liyan's life experience, but only said that she climbed high.

Two boats, this is not something serious girls do, and she must have learned badly from her sister Meng Lina.

"Climb the high branches. It's not that my nephew can't find a wife. It's not good to say it. Based on my nephew's appearance, he is a college student. My sister and my brother-in-law have several houses in Hangcheng, and the money is not bad. of."

"Just look for such good conditions, but Xiaomeng doesn't do it properly. Pan Gaozhi has to make things clear. If it's inappropriate, I'll be dismissed? What kind of person do you take my nephew!"

Yang Lijuan said with righteous indignation, she dumped her nephew, she would not save face for Meng Liyan.

"I'd be angry if it was changed. I didn't do things like this, didn't I have two boats."

"I really can't tell Meng Liyan is such a person."

"It's really theoretical, it's too much."

The neighbors are all watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal. They wish Yang Lijuan would come to the door to make trouble. They are happy to watch the show.

A group of people followed Yang Lijuan to Meng's house. The Meng family lived in a large courtyard. There was only one room, about ten square meters at most. It was fine in winter, but it was hot and stuffy in summer. It was extremely inconvenient to take a shower and go to the toilet.

The atmosphere of the Meng family was also very strange at the moment. Meng Lina looked at the brand-new Meng Liyan with mixed feelings in her heart.

Aunt Meng's face was full of anger, and the more she looked at her granddaughter, the more angry she became, and she scolded: "You have hard wings now, and your ideas are getting bigger and bigger, so you can make up your mind on such a big thing? I ask you, your sister...you Mom, what should she do?"

"I don't care about her anymore, I will take care of her."

Meng Liyan said patiently that she was instructed by Huo Xiu to convince her grandmother when she came back this time, because her grandmother went to her father's company to make trouble again, forcing her to pay 20,000 yuan.

Grandma is really a lion. Dad's money has been invested in the business, how can he get so much money, and Dad's money is her money. After she inherits the company, it's not that she won't care about her grandmother and mother. , why is it so ugly now!

"I expect you to be a white-eyed wolf? Hmph, don't act in front of me, this money must be taken out, or I'll go to your old subsidiary and hang myself, I'll see how he can open a company!"

Aunt Meng gritted her teeth and was full of resentment. She must prepare a way back for her daughter.

This white-eyed wolf is unreliable, and now he is concentrating on helping that **** father, how can he care about his daughter's life and death.

The daughter is stupid again~www.readwn.com~ If she is not tough, she will not be able to live when she closes her eyes in the future.

"Grandma, can you tell me something?" Meng Liyan was also angry.

"I'm very reasonable. I'll settle the accounts for you. Your mother and I have raised you for 20 years, and even provided you to go to a famous university. When you were a child, you had polio. Your mother made money to see your doctor and spend the money. Just like running water, you don't remember any of this, my mother, I remember everything, I don't want more than 20,000 yuan!"

Aunt Meng sneered, but she felt a little sad in her heart.

If it wasn't for the treatment of this white-eyed wolf, my daughter wouldn't be able to...

That's all, children are all debts, one generation manages one generation, she only plans for her daughter, she can't control this cowardly wolf.

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When Yang Lijuan and the others came, the Meng family was still arguing, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point. Aunt Meng was so angry that she pushed Meng Liyan out, "Go away, I don't have an ungrateful beast like you in my family, go to your beast father!"

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