Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1249: come to the door

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Meng Liyan was caught off guard, she was pushed to the point of falling, and her shoulder hit the door frame.

Grandma and mother didn't understand her at all, and they didn't want to go to her father's company to make trouble, and it wasn't her who was implicated in the end.

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She has shallow eyelids and only wants 20,000 yuan, but if she inherits the company, she can get 10,000 yuan or 20,000 yuan, but if grandma continues to make trouble and angers her father, she may not even like her .

"Grandma, have you made enough trouble? Mom, what's the point of persuading grandmother to make trouble like this? Dad doesn't want to do this at all, and I didn't say I won't support you. Why do you go out to shame!"

"I'm ashamed? Hmph, I don't steal or rob, and I haven't done anything illegal. What's the shame? You are ungrateful and ungrateful. After you recognized your rich father, you disliked me and your mother. This matter If your school's teachers and classmates know about it, I would like to see how your party members still get in!"

Aunt Meng was furious and said cruel words.

She knew that her granddaughter was joining the party recently, and she had already submitted an application, and she could pass without any accident. She was very happy at first, but now she is not happy.

"Grandma, what do you want to do? Don't mess around!"

Meng Liyan's face changed. The head teacher had already told her that she would become a probationary party member next semester. After half a year of publicity, she would be a glorious party member. After joining the job in the future, there will be more opportunities for promotion.

Aunt Meng was very happy, "Of course I won't mess around, but if your beast father refuses to give money, I can't keep myself from messing up."

This kind of white-eyed wolf is unreliable even if it is promising. She will never consider the future of this little beast again, and she will make a mess if she doesn't give money.


Meng Lina screamed, her face embarrassed, she still didn't want her daughter's future to be affected, even though her daughter broke her heart.

"Don't worry about this, shut up!"

Aunt Meng glared fiercely, her daughter was so useless and soft-hearted, she had to rely on her.

Meng Lina sighed, looked at her bright daughter with complicated eyes, and smiled bitterly, feeling sour and bitter in her heart.

She has completely figured it out.

Huo Xiu won't marry her, and her daughter won't care about her. Only her mother is really good to her. It's time to plan for herself.

When Yang Lijuan and the others came over, they saw Meng Liyan standing at the door, and Aunt Meng's scolding came out.

"I'm going to say the ugly thing in front~www.readwn.com~ If your **** father doesn't give you money, my mother will make him unable to open the company, and you will not be able to stay in school. Hmph, a mother who can betray your own mother. Beast, what qualifications do you have to go to college!"

All the people watching the excitement changed their faces. It seems that Meng Liyan is indeed Meng Lina's daughter, and she has found a rich father, but she doesn't want to recognize her mother.

This girl's heart is really cruel. Although Meng Lina has a bad reputation, it's not to support her daughter. Anyone can look down on Meng Lina, but Meng Liyan can't.

Meng Liyan didn't want to quarrel with her grandmother. She planned to go back to school first, and then ask her mother to come out to talk in two days. The grandmother only listened to her mother's words, as long as she could persuade her mother.

As soon as she turned around, Meng Liyan saw Yang Lijuan and the others, as well as many neighbors. All of them looked like they were watching the show, and their faces turned red all of a sudden. They really wanted to find a crack to get in.

She must have heard those words just now, and she lost all her face.

"Xiao Meng, let me ask you something, what's the matter with you and my family Huanhuan?" Yang Lijuan asked straight to the point.

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