Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1280: strong backing

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After he finished speaking, Tang Aijun looked at his sister nervously. He was afraid that she would not be happy because he didn't listen to her.

But even if his sister is not happy, he still has to say it.

The reason why he likes to play is because he can win or lose on the court. Whenever he defeats an opponent, he has an indescribable satisfaction in his heart, and that kind of pleasure cannot be obtained by eating any amount of food.

So, he must speak out.

Tang Xiaonan was stunned and looked at the third brother stupidly. She really didn't expect the third brother to think like this.

Does victory really matter?

Unconsciously, the question in my heart was expressed.

"Of course it's very important. Why don't you play for the sake of winning? That's very disrespectful to your opponent!" Tang Aijun said solemnly.

This is what the coach told him. The coach said that he must show all his skills when he is on the field, so that he respects the opponent.

Tang Xiaonan blinked, if you don't go all out, you don't respect your opponent~www.readwn.com~Welfare] I will send you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to get it!

Why did the third brother think completely different from what she thought?

She feels that living well is the most important thing, and there is really no need to be too entangled with honors and losses. The one who laughs at the end is often the one who lives the longest.

No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they are not as beautiful as the ever-bright lights.

"Third brother, did Coach Zhang tell you that the basketball players who can enter Imperial College are the top players?"

"As I said before, Coach Zhang asked me to play hard and try to get into the national team, so that I would have the opportunity to study in the United States." Tang Aijun said with a smile.

Tang Xiaonan's heart skipped a beat, is it the NBA in the US?

If the third brother can go there, it means that he must be a top athlete in the country, and the Imperial University will naturally enter.

But is the third brother really that powerful?

But Tang Xiaonan thought about it again. Even if the third brother really can't play in the NBA, it doesn't matter. She can earn a lot of money, so that the third brother will have no worries in the future life, and his body will not be taken care of because he has no money. .

"Third brother, if you want to play, just go and play. It's alright. With me here, you don't have to worry about anything!"

Tang Xiaonan, who wanted to leave, dissipated her worries, and stood on tiptoe to pat Tang Aijun on the shoulder, but now Tang Aijun is almost 1.9 meters tall, and she can't even pat Tang Aijun when she is on tiptoe in the sky.

Tang Aijun smiled foolishly, and bent down to let his sister pat.

Although he didn't understand what his sister said at all, he was still very happy, and her sister seemed to be worried about him!

He must play hard~www.readwn.com~ and strive to go to the United States to study, so that he will be the strongest backing of his sister, and no one will dare to bully her.

The conversation between the brothers and sisters ended. Although it was a chicken-and-duck talk and a loneliness, the brothers and sisters were still very happy and grinned slyly.

Tang Aijun...my sister likes me so much, I want to play well.

Tang Xiaonan... If the third brother can't play football, she will earn more money to keep a virtuous and capable wife for the third brother.

The New Year's Eve in 1982 was still lively, and the Tang family had a very happy time. There were many happy events this year. Yang Lijuan was happy, and Tang Laifeng was also happy. Not surprisingly, the Tang family will import more children next year.

Moreover, the third generation of the Tang family, Tang Aihua has already booked a daughter-in-law, and Tang Aiguo also has a partner. The little girl named Ai Xiang looks beautiful and has a good family background, not to mention her studies. The Tang family feels that their grandson is a little unworthy. People, feel guilty.

But Tang Aiguo said there was no problem. He also said that after graduation, he and Ai Xiang would go to study abroad together. He had already prepared the cost of studying abroad.

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