Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1281: worried good sister

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We are going to study abroad together. I think there is really no problem with the relationship. The Tang family is relieved, but also a little lonely.

It's not good for children to be too promising, it seems that their adults are too useless.

However, the loneliness of the Tang family was quickly made up for by Tang Xiaonan. The grandsons and the others can ignore them. The granddaughter's marriage must be handled. They still have something to do.

"Big brother, will you marry Sister Zhiyan after graduation?" Tang Xiaonan asked with concern.

The Spring Festival Gala was on TV, the Tang family sat around eating, Tang Xiaonan came out to set off fireworks, and the three brothers also came out.

Big Brother Tang blushed immediately. He is now a junior and is already looking for an internship unit. With the help of Ai Xiang's relatives, he went to an architectural design institute in Songcheng for an internship without a hitch. His classmates envy him.

Gu Zhiyan also stayed in the school to teach smoothly, but Gu Zhiyan still has to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Now that she has no financial difficulties, she can study without distractions.

"Also...not necessarily, your sister Zhiyan has to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

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Big Brother Tang hesitated, a trace of bitterness poured into his heart.

Between him and Gu Zhiyan, it's not really a couple!

At the beginning, he got engaged to solve Gu Zhiyan's predicament. If he really threatened the marriage contract, wouldn't he be taking advantage of others' dangers, then what was the difference between him and those who had bullied Gu Zhiyan?

But let him watch Gu Zhiyan switch to the arms of other men, Big Brother Tang wonders if he can bear it?

After being together for three years, Big Brother Tang's heart has been completely occupied by that gentle and demure girl. Gu Zhiyan's frowns, smiles, and every move made him addicted, and he couldn't stop.

But he didn't dare to express his true thoughts. He was afraid that Gu Zhiyan would misunderstand him as a villain, and he might not even be a friend.

"You can also get married after the postgraduate entrance examination. I asked Grandpa Qi." Tang Xiaonan was puzzled.

How could she feel that there was a problem between her eldest brother and Gu Zhiyan, and the problem was not small.

Big Brother Tang blushed even more, turned his head to set off fireworks, and didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, he was bitter in his heart.

"Second brother, did eldest brother quarrel with Sister Zhiyan?" Tang Xiaonan asked worriedly.

"It's weird to be arguing."

Tang Aiguo snorted with a look of contempt. He took a celestial monkey from her hand and lit the lead in his hand. The celestial monkey flew into the sky with a chirp, and then exploded with a bang.

"Don't worry about him, he doesn't understand it all by himself, and others can't control it."

Tang Aiguo won't let his sister take care of this shit~www.readwn.com~ He looked at it painfully on one side, one didn't want to take advantage of others' dangers, the other didn't want to occupy a magpie's nest, and then the two of them were like a soft batter. , I keep everything in my heart. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, and I really expect the ants on the ground to tell me?

"Second brother, are you and Sister Aixiang really going to study abroad?"

Tang Xiaonan cared about her second brother again, alas, she is really a good sister who is worried.

Tang Aiguo rubbed his little sister's head vigorously for a few times, and when he saw Tang Xiaonan puffing out his cheeks and staring angrily, he moved his hand away contentedly.

"Yeah, I'll go to study next year, and stay and work for a few years by the way."

Tang Aiguo had planned for the future a long time ago. He majored in finance, so he could be regarded as a close disciple of Mr. Qi. He and Huo Jinzhi were both the proud disciples of Mr. Qi.

The old man told them that if you want to become a qualified investor, you must go to Wall Street for a few years, which is the financial center of the world.

It could be heaven or it could be **** overnight.

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