Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1293: Property cannot be divided without genealogy

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That is to say, the descendants without genealogy, even if they are surnamed Huo, are not considered descendants of the Huo family. The property of the Huo family has nothing to do with you. It is useless for the emperor to come. The Huo family has to follow the clan Do it according to the rules.

Like Huo Xiu back then, he was originally an outsider. If it wasn't for his mother's tricks, he wouldn't have the right to inherit.

Moreover, Meng Liyan also found out that she has a grandfather abroad, and that is the main branch of the Huo family. She can't go to the genealogy, so what's the point of her trying so hard to recognize her father?

After thinking about this, Meng Liyan worked even harder to please Huo Xiu, and she had done enough work as a filial daughter.

Her hard work was not in vain, Huo Xiu was coaxed around by her, and finally let her go to bring her to her hometown to worship her ancestors, and promised her and the third uncle to mention the genealogy, Meng Liyan was still very confident.

She is a college student of Jiaotong University. She is also outstanding in appearance and can do everything. She is more promising than many descendants of the Huo family. As long as the third uncle has a vision, he will not leave her out.

"It's amazing, Jiaotong University is a famous university, and it is more difficult than the champion in ancient times."

The third uncle complimented and smiled, but if you look closely, you will find that there is no smile in his eyes, and his tone is very calm, but Meng Liyan is immersed in the joy of being praised, and he can't detect it.

Meng Liyan lowered her head shyly, her lips raised slightly, concealing her pride. She should be the most promising of the Huo family, right?

How could the Huo family refuse such a promising descendant like her?

It must have been her father's lack of dedication in the past, so the genealogy thing was in vain. Now that she has come over herself, everyone in the Huo family has seen her and will definitely not refuse.

Huo Xiu laughed so hard that he looked proud. He was very satisfied with this illegitimate daughter.

"Third uncle is very polite. I think other children in the clan are also very outstanding. All of us in the Huo family are smart."

"It's still Li Yan who is more provocative..."

The third uncle smiled lightly, and before he finished speaking, he saw the jeep from far and near, he stopped immediately, walked up to meet him, and left Huo Xiu and his daughter.

The smile on Huo Xiu's face immediately froze. Who else is more eloquent than him?

He came back with a heavy gift~www.readwn.com~ a piece of Zhonghua cigarette, and two bottles of Wuliangye. The children in the third uncle's family also gave red envelopes, which cost a small hundred yuan.

Huo Jinzhi parked the car, got out of the car and pulled out Tang Xiaonan, who was wrapped in zongzi, and took off her military coat for her. Seeing her blushing, he couldn't help pinching it, and Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes.

"Jinzhi is back, your father..."

The third uncle came over and whispered that he was a slippery old man, and he was not offended by either side, but he definitely focused on Huo Jinzhi's side.

Five hundred yuan and one hundred yuan, he still can tell which is more important and which is less.

Huo Xiu also saw Nizi and Tang Xiaonan, and his face changed immediately. Nizi should come back to worship his ancestors, but what's the point of bringing that little fat girl?

Meng Liyan also saw it, and a sour taste filled her heart. She had been begging her father for a long time to come over, but a little girl from Tang Xiaonan could even make a movie, and this girl was an outsider, why?

"Dad, my brother is too out of touch. How can you bring outsiders over for such a big event as ancestor worship?" Meng Liyan said softly.

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