Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1294: openly provocative

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Huo Xiu frowned and felt even more dissatisfied. It was really inappropriate. This ancestor worship was the first time in more than ten years. For the Huo family, it was a more important ceremony than the New Year. Nizi didn't understand the rules. .

Others would only say that he, the father, did not teach his son well, and would not say that he was unruly and unruly.

Thinking of this, Huo Xiu felt even more uncomfortable. He couldn't help but conspiracy theories. He felt that Huo Jinzhi did it on purpose, just to lose his face.

Huo Jinzhi glanced at them, and said to the worried third uncle, "It's fine, just entertain the guests."

The third uncle breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Xiaonan felt Meng Liyan's hostile eyes, snorted softly, and stood on tiptoe to complain to the boss, "She glared at me."

She also pointed to Meng Liyan, she was not afraid of the big boss.

"Don't worry about her, she won't be able to stare out tomorrow."

Huo Jinzhi sneered, he knew Meng Liyan's thoughts, but he would not let this woman wish.

What Meng Liyan wanted, he would not give.

Huo Xiu took a few steps forward and then stopped, standing reservedly, he is an old man, there is no reason for an old man to greet his son, he has to wait for his son to come.

Then, he watched helplessly as Huo Jinzhi led Tang Xiaonan over him slowly, without even giving him a single glance, and walked directly across the threshold into the house.

Huo Xiu's face changed greatly, his anger rushed up, and he gritted his teeth.


"Dad, why is my brother ignoring you? He's too rude!" Meng Liyan added fuel to the fire, she wished her father and brother were in a deadlock, the stiffer the better.

This spoonful of oil poured in, Huo Xiu's anger really burned, and his face became ashen. If he didn't have a bit of rationality, he would rush in now and teach the rebels.

The third uncle looked at him coldly, and he had a rough idea of ​​the father-son relationship in his heart.

"Come in, it's cold outside."

The third uncle greeted and gave Huo Xiu a step down.

Huo Xiu entered the room with a gloomy face. Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan were already sitting by the stove peeling and eating small walnuts.

"You didn't see me?"

Huo Xiu resisted his anger and questioned through gritted teeth.

Only then did Huo Jinzhi look up, his expression was very calm, and he said lightly, "I didn't see it."

After speaking, he continued to peel the walnuts. Tang Xiaonan, who was on the side, did not say anything, waiting for the boss to feed him. He was hungry.

The anger that Huo Xiuben suppressed, rushed up again, and the third uncle hurriedly smoothed out, "Quickly sit down and eat melon seeds, you can't be angry with the New Year's Eve~www.readwn.com~ In the end, there is still some sense in it, Huo Xiu suppressed his anger again, and sat opposite Huo Jinzhi with a cold face. He didn't eat melon seeds. He stared gloomily at the opposite child and coaxed the chubby girl to eat walnuts. His face was black as if someone owed him millions. Sample.

Meng Liyan also sat down. She was also very annoyed. Huo Jinzhi didn't even look at her until now, only the girl Tang Xiaonan had in his eyes. Looking at this diligent look, does Tang Xiaonan have no hands? people strip.

"Xiao Nan, walnuts only taste good when they are peeled and eaten by themselves."

Meng Liyan took a walnut and ate it, whispering softly, with a shallow smile, as if she was teaching a disobedient child.

What Tang Xiaonan doesn't like to listen to is lectures. She can live as she wants, as long as it doesn't endanger the society or harm the interests of others.

"I just like Brother Huo's peeling. It hurts to peel it myself."

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, didn't give this woman any face at all, and opened her mouth intentionally, Huo Jinzhi was also very sensible, and immediately fed the peeled meat into her mouth, Tang Xiaonan chewed fragrantly, and snorted at Meng Liyan.

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