Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1327: It is only natural for Laozi to eat his son

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Although Mr. Huo is old and has failed to make investments one after another, his ambitions are still there, even the same as when he went abroad. At first, he was forced to go abroad. After he went, because he did not understand the foreign market, he opened two factories. bankrupted.

But none of these can defeat the old man. He has been suffering abroad for so many years, and he has always been thinking about returning to China.

The hometown complex of Chinese people should be the strongest in the world. No ethnic group values ​​their hometown more than Chinese people. It is the wish of every Chinese people when they grow old.

Of course, Mr. Huo did too. He didn't want to die in a foreign country, and he didn't want the Huo family to fall under his hands.

And the old man believed that the downfall of the Huo family was not because of his incompetence, but because the current situation was too chaotic. At that time, there was fire everywhere, even if the gods appeared, they could not save the Huo family, so he chose to leave the country and let his concubine Huo Xiu stay there. Keep the ancestral property in the country.

Now that the country is finally at peace, and the situation is good again, the old man's ambitions, which have been quiet for many years, are beginning to move again.

And the grandson is so ambitious, he can do more than he was in the past, the old man's eyes that are a little cloudy, and the light is shining again.

The Huo family must be revived.

Otherwise, he has no face to go down to see the ancestors.


The old man's stomach growled and he wanted to find something to eat, but there was nothing in the bag except the tea jar.

He and Huo Xiu got on the train in a hurry with nothing prepared, not even a dry steamed bun. The old man's stomach growled a few times and his stomach was hungry. He looked at Huo Xiu, but Huo Xiu was lying on the bed and dozing off. Not moving at all.

In fact, Huo Xiu was also hungry, but he was so emotional that he didn't even open his eyes when he died of starvation, but to see if the old man would buy food.

He spends everything these days, and it hurts his heart. If he can get the property, that's all, he will give up a small amount of money to make a lot of money, but now that the property is in the hands of the rebel, Huo Xiu is suspicious again. Will be tempted, lying down and pretending to be dead.

The old man's stomach growled again. He was in a bad mood at noon and didn't eat a few bites. The meal was digested early. The old man was a mature man. He couldn't see the little chicken intestines in Huo Xiu's heart. He couldn't help sneering, got up and rushed Huo Xiu, who pretended to be dead, kicked.

This kick was not polite at all. Huo Xiu jumped up in pain and glared at Lao Tzu angrily, "Father, why are you kicking me? I'm sleeping!"

"Your father, I'm hungry, go buy something to eat." The old man ordered.

Lao Tzu eats his son, it is only natural and righteous, but if he dares not to buy his son, he has a way to deal with it.


The word 'money' reached his throat~www.readwn.com~ Huo Xiu met the old man's cold eyes, and shuddered, thinking of the pain of being taught by the old man with a leather whip when he was a child, and the flesh on his back seemed to reappear. It hurts, and the little courage that I finally mustered up immediately withered.

"Understood, if I don't know how to be polite, I know that you can play prestige in front of me, and if you have the ability to play with your eldest wife..."

Huo Xiu got up obediently, still muttering in his mouth, in the end he was not reconciled.

"Speak loudly if you want to!" The old man shouted.

"I said to myself, what do you always want to eat?"

Huo Xiushe shrank, in the end he didn't dare to resist Lao Tzu, even if he was really down, Lao Tzu was Lao Tzu.

"If you don't think so, go to the dining car and have a look."

The old man didn't want to feel wronged, he followed the reluctant Huo Xiu to the dining car, ordered three dishes and one soup, made Huo Xiu trembling with distress, and kept saying, "You have to eat seventy percent full at night, Dad, you are old. It’s not too small, you can’t eat it too greasy, you have to eat it lightly, so don’t order this braised pork.”

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