Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1328: Another 6-flavor Rehmannia Pill

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"I'm in better health than you."

The old man glared fiercely. He played Tai Chi every day, and also rode and played ball. He was in good health. Even if he married a third wife again, it would be fine. This villain has dark eyes, sluggish steps, and a weak body.

"I see you going to get some Liuwei Dihuang Pills to eat. You only know that romance doesn't know how to maintain it, and I haven't learned 30% of my skills."

The old man looked at Nizi with disgust. When he was young, he still had some spiritual energy, but now he is only stupid, and it is still the grandson who looks pleasing to the eye.

Huo Xiu's face suddenly turned dark, M's is Liuwei Dihuang Wan again, his waist is very good, and it is no problem to marry the 18th room concubine!

Although his mouth is hard, his heart is still a little empty. Recently, he is really powerless, and his time for work has been shortened a lot, which has seriously affected his quality of life at night.

Do you really want to get some Liuwei Dihuang Wan to eat?

Huo Xiu couldn't help but look at the old man. His body was still tall and straight, his steps were vigorous, and his hair was not white. If he only looked at the back, he would be in his fifties at most, even if he looked at his face, he would be in his early sixties, but in fact the old man was seven More than ten years old and still so energetic, does the old man have any special maintenance secrets?

Huo Xiu also remembered some things from the past. The old man married so many concubines, all of whom were young and charming vixen. Even if the old man was over half a hundred years old, he could still marry a twenty-eight-year-old vixen, and he made others obedient. posted.

When it comes to women, Huo Xiu asks himself that he is not as good as the old man, not even a little bit worse.

Moreover, at his age, the old man is still majestic and has a very rich night life. The concubine at home is not satisfied, and he has to go to the nightclub to support and take care of the business. This health is not ordinary!

No, when the old man is asked for the secret recipe one day, his body really needs to be maintained.

The old man, who made Huo Xiu envy, also had a good appetite. After eating three dishes and one soup, he also ordered a plate of beef with sauce, a plate of peanuts, and a bottle of Kuaiji Mountain old wine, which he brought back for supper.

Huo Xiu's wallet shrunk a lot again, and his teeth hurt.

After staying on the train for two days, it was almost time to arrive at the imperial capital. The old man was in good spirits, but Huo Xiu was a little sluggish, and he was worried about money.

"After getting off the bus, first find a hotel to stay, and then go to Jinzhi." The old man instructed that he had to clean up before going out.

Huo Xiu replied listlessly, without asking, he knew that the old man would definitely stay in the best hotel, and he wouldn't pay a penny.

An inexplicable sadness surged up, and Huo Xiu suddenly discovered a cruel fact. He was exploited by the old man at the top, and was pitted against the child at the bottom. From time to time, he had to be angry with the dead fat girl. Who could be more aggrieved than him?

"What does that fat girl do at home?" The old man asked Tang Xiaonan~www.readwn.com~ If the family background is acceptable, he will not object to this marriage.

Huo Xiu disliked and pouted, "Jinzhi has lived in the countryside for many years, playing with that little fat girl since childhood, and the family is a farmer."

The old man frowned and scolded: "Nonsense, how can the daughter of the farmer enter my Huo family's door, this marriage is void."

"If you think I have no objection, then you have to be willing to listen. I can't control it anyway, you control it!"

Huo Xiu cheered up a bit, and he was looking forward to the battle between Nizi and the old man. He might be able to take advantage of the tigers fighting while sitting on the mountain.

"Why are you so useless as a father, outrageous!" The old man rolled his eyes with contempt, without the dignity of being a father at all.

Huo Xiu was very happy, and bowed: "Okay, it's me who is useless, you are majestic, and I will make you discipline me as a rebel!"

Standing and talking without back pain, hum!

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