Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1392: Gu Songtao is dead

Gu Songtao's thin and pale face was flushed red, and his eyes were bulging out. Over the years, he was hanging on the medicine, lying on the bed for many years without even the sun, thin and dry, with a morbid look. White.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

He also knew that he was about to die, but he still had a lot to say to his father. He was not reconciled!


Gu Songtao tried his best to make a sound, and he was so tired that he gasped for breath, his body was soaked with sweat.

He wants his father to avenge him. He was killed by the old poisonous woman, and his whole life was ruined by the old poisonous woman.

And his poor son, who doesn't know where he is now, he has to tell his father these words!

Mrs. Gu looked at him coldly. She knew what this **** was thinking, but she wanted Gu Changan to take revenge for him. Hmph, he was so stupid that he was a **** to death.

Gu Changan is so shrewd, how could he not guess what happened to his son, even Yuan Yujie guessed it, Gu Changan's heart is more clear, but he is pretending to be confused.

Why pretend to be confused?

It's not that she wants to let her work for the Gu family again.

Heh... the old things are getting better and better.

"What is Songtao trying to say? Listen to my father."

Gu Changan finally realized that his son seemed to want to talk, so he leaned over and heard Gu Songtao's intermittent voice, as well as the sound of phlegm stuck in his throat like a bellows, which was vaguely heard.

"Jade... sea... my son..."

Gu Changan frowned, who is Yuhai?

When I turned around and inquired with the people in the clan, Zhang Xuemei, the old poisonous woman, would definitely not say anything.

"Avenge...for me...father...I hate..."

Gu Songtao seemed to be returning to the light, his articulation became clear, he said the last sentence coherently, and exhausted the last bit of strength.

Gu Changan's hand trembled, and stretched it under Gu Songtao's nose, his hand froze suddenly, and tears filled his eyes, "Son... I'm late..."

Although he didn't have a deep relationship with this son, it was his own flesh and blood, his first child, and everyone was already dead. Gu Changan felt like a knife twisted in his heart, wishing to strangle Zhang Xuemei, the old poisonous woman. .

But he held back abruptly, and waited until his pharmaceutical factory was established, Zhang Xuemei still needed it, as long as the pharmaceutical factory was on the right track, he would definitely avenge his son.

Yuan Yujie's cry grew even louder, and it was tragic, "Son...you want your mother's life...my son...you died so miserably..."

The corners of Old Madam Gu's lips curled slightly, and she looked mockingly at the man and woman who were crying miserably in front of her.

The acting is getting better and better, and the acting is the same as the real one.

It was so noisy, Madam Gu said impatiently, "Don't act in front of me. When you sent this waste to my hands, you patted your **** and went abroad to be chic and live a good life."

The crying stopped abruptly, Yuan Yujie looked at the old lady with hatred, and cursed through gritted teeth, "Zhang Xuemei, you are so cruel, what's wrong with Songtao? What means do you have to come at me, why do you want to attack Songtao? not human!"

The old lady looked at her like a fool, "You and Gu Changan have gone abroad, and I can't find it if I want to deal with it. You really love your son, why did you give it to me in the first place? I didn't force you to give it!"

I still want to set up an archway after being a watchman, hmph, shameless!

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