Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1393: What's dead is your father pretending to be

Yuan Yujie's face was red and white, and her heart was like being stabbed by a knife. Of course she couldn't bear her son, but if she didn't join the genealogy, her name would not be right, and she would always be an outsider. The property of the Gu family had nothing to do with her, but also with her It doesn't matter to her children, how can she be reconciled?

"I was forced by you, Zhang Xuemei, you forced me to give up my son, you forced me..."

Yuan Yujie cried so much that it was an old pear flower, but it still made Gu Changan feel pity.

"Don't say a few words, Song Tao has already gone, let's discuss how to organize a funeral for him."

Gu Changan felt sad, as if he was a dozen years old, the white-haired man gave the black-haired man, even if it was a son who didn't matter much, he still felt a lot of pain in his heart.

"Chang'an, our Songtao is gone... Zhang Xuemei killed..."

Yuan Yujie threw herself into Gu Chang'an's arms and cried like a little girl. The mockery on Mrs. Gu's face was deeper, and the shameless old men and women were tired and crooked in front of her.

"Open your mouth and shut your mouth and say that I killed your son. Bring out the evidence. Yuan Yujie, don't pretend to be innocent. You just want to change your son's status. If you can be a concubine, what kind of deep love is you playing now? Bah... Do you want to show your face?"

Mrs. Gu showed no mercy, stripped off Yuan Yujie's icy and clean coat, and left the room after speaking, letting the family of three express their sincerity, and she would not accompany her.

Yuan Yujie covered her face and cried in a low voice. The suppressed cry made Gu Changan feel more distressed, and naturally hated the old lady even more, but he was very stubborn and could only bear it. He also advised Yuan Yujie to focus on the overall situation and not make trouble.

When Gu Songtao was buried, his eyes were still wide open. People in Gu village said that he was dying and had unfulfilled wishes, but these words were only dared to be discussed behind his back.

Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi were both invited to eat tofu rice. Mrs. Gu wanted to do it simply, but Gu Changan felt guilty for her son and decided to have a big funeral. He also invited a few monks to recite the Sutras of Rebirth, which made it very grand. .

Gu Yunchuan dressed in filial attire to greet the guests at the gate. He didn't have much sadness on his face, he was very calm, and they even laughed when they saw Tang Xiaonan.

"Anyway, you are pretending. After all, it is your father who died. There are so many guests watching, so don't laugh even if you can't cry."

Huo Jinzhi stared at him like a fool, how can this kind of IQ be loved by everyone?

If it weren't for the 20% share of the pharmaceutical factory, he would be too lazy to mention it.

Gu Yunchuan quickly restrained his smile, the corners of his mouth drooped down, looking very serious, as if he was overly sad, and bowed deeply to Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan.

Only then was Huo Jinzhi satisfied, he went to the cashier to pay some money, then went to get a piece of white cloth, folded it a few times and tied it to his head. It is customary here in the city to wear a white cloth on the head when going to eat tofu rice. Toddlers add a piece of red paper to the white cloth.

Tang Xiaonan doesn't like this thing. She doesn't understand this custom very much.

Huo Jinzhi put it on for her, and then put it on for himself. He found a seat for Grandpa Xu's family and sat down. Gu Changan was very generous this time, and everyone in the village invited them.

"Gu Changan is inquiring about the illegitimate child. That child is about to develop." Someone at the next table was talking, and the voice was not small.

Tang Xiaonan's heart skipped a beat, she was talking about Shen Yuhai, right?

The child was sent to the town by Huang Fengxian's parents. It is said that she is doing well, but she has never seen Shen Yuhai again, and the specific situation is not clear.

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"You know shit, Gu Changan went to the town to look for it early, and that child was abducted last year." Another person broke the news.

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