Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1394: Shen Yuhai was abducted

"Abducted?" The person who broke the news before screamed as if his neck had been pinched.

People at other tables were all interested, and all of them turned to look at this table, wanting to know more gossip.

"Yes, Gu Changan went to the town a long time ago. The child was sent to a family in the town back then. Many people knew that it was not difficult to find, but the child was kidnapped last summer and said someone bought it. After getting a cream popsicle, the kid just followed, and he can't find it now."

"This is really... how could such a thing happen..."

"This is God's will... Gu Changan is destined to miss this grandson."

"The child must be fourteen or fifteen years old. How could he be kidnapped when he is so old? Is he stupid?"

Someone raised a question, and everyone was silent, which was really unreasonable.

"This is not normal. A four- or five-year-old child can still talk about it. A person who is about to get married at the age of fourteen or five can be kidnapped with a cream popsicle?"

"That kid isn't stupid, he's quite smart. I've seen it a few times, but his eyelids aren't that shallow."

"Even if you have shallow eyelids, kidnappers wouldn't pick on such a big kid. They're adults at fourteen or five years old, and they can't sell it. This is not right."

A group of people had nothing to do, and when they analyzed this bizarre abduction case, they all felt that there was a problem, but they just said that, an unimportant outsider, even if they felt that there was a problem, they would not waste their minds on meddling.

Tang Xiaonan looked serious, and she also felt that this was abnormal.

Shen Yuhai is one year older than her. He should have been fourteen last year. How could such an old boy be kidnapped?

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"Did you run away from home?"

Tang Xiaonan guessed in a low voice that she felt that this possibility was more likely.

Fourteen or fifteen-year-old boys are in a period of rebelliousness. It is normal to run away from home. Perhaps the family that adopted Shen Yuhai was afraid of being accused of abusing their adopted son, so Shen Yuhai ran away from home, so he made up an excuse for being a kidnapper. .

Huo Jinzhi nodded slightly, he also felt that he was running away from home.

"I'll go to town to find out."

Huo Jinzhi felt uneasy in his heart, so it would be more appropriate to inquire.

This incident was just a small episode, Tang Xiaonan didn't take it to heart, because another incident happened, Yuan Yujie got into trouble, and the movement was quite big.

"Zhang Xuemei, don't go too far, I'm Songtao's mother, and I'm right now, what qualifications do you have to stop me from offering sacrifices to Songtao?"

"Yuan Yujie, you are just a concubine, recognize your identity, and I am Gu Songtao's mother."

"Don't do this to me, it's a new society now, it's monogamous, what concubines are not concubines, I am the wife of Chang'an, we got the certificate in the United States, Zhang Xuemei, you are an outsider ."

Yuan Yujie was triumphant, her waist was very straight, she was now Mrs. Gu, justifiably.

Mrs. Gu looked at her coldly, the ridicule on her face deepened, and Yuan Yujie felt more and more uneasy, but thinking that she was already Mrs. Gu who had received the certificate, she was more confident.

What are you afraid of?

Right now, Zhang Xuemei, the old poisonous woman, should be afraid.

"What is the certificate of a foreigner? Although my Gu family is not a famous family, it is also a century-old family. I follow the Gu family's motto. Don't show your foreign stuff in front of me, no one will eat it!"

Some other elders of the Gu clan nodded secretly after hearing this. Their hearts were biased towards the old lady. What kind of **** is Yuan Yujie?

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