Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1402: A filial grandson

"Laifeng? It's really you. I haven't seen you for many years. Why are you getting younger and younger?"

An aunt looked suspiciously for a few seconds, determined that it was someone she knew, and came over happily to say hello. She was a neighbor of the Chai family, and she used to have a good relationship with Tang Laifeng.

"Happy New Year, auntie, you haven't changed."

"Old, you really haven't changed. You've become younger. You can see that you're doing well. Are you here?" The fire of gossip in Aunt's heart was burning. With so many people coming, there must be something important.

"Wen Hao ran back by himself, I'll come and see." Tang Laifeng smiled helplessly, and had nothing to hide, it was her failure as a mother that she couldn't warm her son's heart.

The aunt's expression changed slightly, and she was surprised: "Wen Hao came back by himself? This child is really..."

She didn't know what to say later, but she actually wanted to say that the child was stupid. Tang Laifeng knew that he was doing well. The Chai family was living like a beggar now, but any child who was smart would know who to go with, but this child was unlucky. If you have to come back and suffer, you will definitely regret it later.

"Actually, Wen Hao comes back often, several times a month. This child is still filial. Every time he comes, he buys a lot of things. Grandma Chai praises everyone outside!"

The aunt didn't know if it was intentional or not, but after talking like this, Tang Laifeng's face changed color instantly, and he gritted his teeth.

The faces of the Tang family were no longer good-looking. They thought that Chai Wenhao was on a whim, but they didn't expect that they had already contacted the Chai family, and they took Tang Laifeng's money to filial piety to the old lady.

The aunt was still babbling, "Bo Liang's father is not very good, it is estimated that it will be a few days, and Bo Liang is too lazy to let him go to the market to set up a stall, and he drinks at home every day, all relying on Aunt Chai's breakfast in the morning. To earn some living expenses, Wen Hao is sensible, he helped with the work as soon as he came back yesterday, and went to the stall with grandma this morning..."

Tang Laifeng felt like he was being stabbed by a knife. His son was like a log at home. He wouldn't help the oil bottle when it fell. She even washed the socks, but when he returned to the Chai's house, he became diligent.

Oh... what a great grandson.

The aunt probably sensed that the atmosphere was wrong and went back to her own house, but she was lying at the crack of the door eavesdropping.

The sound of the wheels came from far to near, and Chai Wenhao's voice sounded, "Mom..."

He lowered his head timidly. He used up all his courage to run away from home yesterday, and now he has no courage to even raise his head in the face of the Tang family, who are making a move.

But he still didn't want to go back. Dad needed him, so he had to stay.

Chai Wenhao and his grandmother pushed the tricycle together. The short and lean Mrs. Chai was much older, her hair was white, her back was crooked, the folds on her face were like pine bark, and her triangular eyes drooped down, covering her eyes. It takes a lot of force to look at people to lift the eyelids, giving people a gloomy feeling.

There is a steamer and some side dishes on the tricycle. It should be selling glutinous rice balls. The steamer is empty and there are some side dishes left. The business seems to be good, but it is not enough for ordinary people to eat it. No wonder this old woman is so old So fast.

"What are you doing here? Wen Hao, ignore them!"

Madam Chai screamed and dragged her grandson into the house. She would not hand over her grandson. Her son was useless. She will be happy in the future.

Chai Wenhao looked at the Tang family in embarrassment, but in the end he was worried that his grandmother would be angry, so he followed into the room, Tang Laifeng's heart became even colder, and he was hesitant at first, but now he was firm.

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